Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinMar 6th/1862My darling wife

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I rec’d yr letter this eve. Am sorry you have so sick, but glad to hear you are better. You must be very careful. I ought to be there to go to the ball with you. Hope I shall be with you soon, but it is hard to calculate when this war will be over. There is much to be done yet. I am pretty well settled in my new location now. Henry & I mess in our own tent. Reckon I shall get to be quite a cook. Shall beat you at it if you dont go to work & learn soon. I went to Washington Monday to see Genl. Porter. Sent two prisoners down to day. Dont think my work will be very hard until we move. Genl. Brooks told me Monday I must return to my Reg’t, that I could’nt be spared from it possibly. I said I was’nt particular where I went. Then he said he should see Genl. Smith about it at once. But I have heard nothing from them yet. The mud is very bad & it rains nearly every day, when it dont snow. I believe this is the worst climate in the world. N. England in any season is a paradise to it. There is the Most moon-shine abut the salubrity of the Southern climate of anything I ever heard of. We cant tell one hour what the weather will be the next. It changes several times in an hour in fact, & every time for the worse. It turns out much like the courage of Southern men a very

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undesirable kind. Should think it would be recommended for consumptive people, for they would die within a week or two of pneumonia, & this be saved of much suffering. We are really fighting for an idea alone; for certainly the soil is worn out, the climate is disagreeable, & the niggers are the best part of the population, & I think any sensible man must hate the sight of them after being with them. The only condition I ask for in the reconstruction of the Union, is that the Southern States shall be obliged to keep their darkies. Mrs, Crain & Mrs. Hyde went home long ago. We had some letters fr home not long since, all were well. I am sleepy & feel very unlike letter writing. I will commence in a better mood next time & very soon, so please excuse. Shall be so glad to have the time come when we shall be released from letter writing & have a home of our own. When & where? almost anywhere if soon is my desire.

Yr devoted HusbandW. G.Veazey

