Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp near RichmondJune 10th /62My darling wife

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We are having the coldest storm I ever knew for the 10th June. I believe this is the worst climate in the world. I have no news to write this time. How does recruiting go on in N. H.? We are hard at work here overcoming the in- numerable obstacles that always stand in the way of a victory. There is generally one or two skirmmages somewhere along the line each day & some picket shooting, otherwise all is quiet. I rains some portion of each day & often all day. Mud & rain makes

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us think more about home Soldiers must appreciate home if any class can. It sometimes seems to me as tho no price could pay for the comforts of home for a single day. How many times I have marched all day through mud & rain & bivouacked at night with a single blanket under a tree, wet hungry & cold & not allowed a fire. One must think of home then. Yet there is something in the service that seems to pay for it all. The continued moving & excitement, the thousand incidents that occur daily, the joy over a victory & above all to us the thought of the great stakes at issue in this contest. The letter is just brought in with the order of exercises of Capt. A’s funeral obsequies

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I am very glad he is buried at home. I have hoped to hear the report of his death contradicted. What a loss to Nashua, to every body in fact. Your Sunday dinners will have lost their sparkle & your house a guest whose place will never be filled. The genial companion, the honorable gentleman and the true friend were admirably blended in Captain Ainsworth. He lived long enough for his fame, long enough to find his way to all our hearts, long enough for everything pertaining to himself. Yet not long enough for his friends, not long enough for his country. True men never do. We have the memory of him and his kindness & his noble sacrifice for his country left

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to us, yes, and his example; all too little, in comparison with himself. Yet a world of wealth to us, & highly worthy of our emulation.. If I have his letters yet, they are in my trunk in Washington. I have Dan for a clerk now & Henry is with me most of the time, both perfectly safe tell Mother, & I am too busy to be shot. How does she like Nashua? Am glad she is away from home for once. It will do her good. I shall be round to see you in a few months. Keep up yr courage. Home will be all the better when we do get it. Am perfectly well. I begin to think this campaign will end the war. We will soon give the finishing stroke. God bless you my angel.

Yr devoted husband.W.

