Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp No. 20. in the FieldJune 15,1862My darling wife

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I have been Judge Advocate of a General Court Martial for a few days past which has kept me very busy. I have to prepare all the cases & also keep the record of proceedings. The weather is very warm but more pleasant than formerly. It dont rain quite all the time now. Every thing moves along as it should. The great genius of Genl Mc. Clellan is gradually unfolding. We all swear by him. The moment he appear among the troops, it is cheer after cheer always. He seems to posess more magnetic influences & power than any other man I ever saw. Not a soldier in his army

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that does not love him & feel perfect confidence in him. I doubt if the presence of Napolean was ever worth more to any of his armies than McClellan’s to this army. But his ability will be tested soon. I am remarkably well, but it is tedious soldiering this hot weather. I wish I could see an end of this thing. But we have the satisfaction of acting the bigest part of any people on earth before us. How our movements startle and astonish the old nations. I dont think the time distant comparatively when they will understand our power & will more tangibly than they do now. This war is a school for us. How is mother, & how does she like Nashua & Anne too

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Now I will devote this leaf to my own splendid wife alone. And first I must tell her I love her dreadfully. One year ago was just making up my mind to get married. & in a few days we were married. How happy we were. What a beautiful marriage we had. It has been an eventful year since then & one of much sorrow to many, but how we have been blest. How much joy I have derived from our marriage tho, we have separated, I hope this will be our last year of separation. How happy we might be together, but there will be nothing lost to us, we shall get our reward. The first hour’s meeting seems to pay for our separation. God has seemed to bless our union

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We should attribute all to him & remember him first. He can be our shield wherever we are. I have thanked him for all my success & blessings but most of all for you. My own sweet angel wife. I do love you sincerely. & O. how I would like to see you & be with you this summer. You must be very careful of your health, & keep up good courage. Do not get down hearted, or despair. There is nothing certain of course. Yet I think I shall get through safely & return to you after awhile. Remember you have my sole & devoted love whether I am with you or not. I will write again soon.

Yr own husbandW.G. Veazey

