Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Washington D.C.Oct 29th 1862My own Angel Wife

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I rec’d yr letter with Mr. Tripp’s to-day. He is over with the Vt Cavalry W move over to Fort Seward Va. to-morrow. Am sorry as I was getting my company into shape. We arrived here on Monday at 9 ½ A.M. Had a pleasant trip until we arrived at Baltimore, there it rained & we had miserable cattle cars & it was cold and disagreeable. But on the whole it was a pleasant journey. We got into camp on Monday at East Capitol Hill.

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We have very cold nights but warm & pleasant days. I saw Col. Stevens in W but not to speak with him Heard from Henry to-day he is coming with my horse soon.

Should think you were getting weighty indeed you think it is a sure thing do you? Well I guess you have the hardest nine months before you. I wish I could see you & be with you my own angel. What a good time we had together. We will have a pleasant home I trust. I hope the war will be over soon & I shall be relieved from this service I want to settle down with you. How does Mrs. Tripp

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get along without her husband? Do you sleep with her? O if you could but get into my arms my own sweet love how happy I should be. It is too bad to have such a splendid wife & be away from her. Do you love your husband? Am in great haste to-night. Col Cummings says you must go over & see his wife & get what I dont write. I will write again as soon as we get into camp again.

Yr Devoted husbandWheelock

