Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp near Fairfax C.H. Jan’y 9th 1862 My Darling Wife

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I returned from Centreville Wednesday was gone a week. Had a fine time. Weather was pleasant. And the enemy were playing round just near enough for excitement & keep us awake. My health was good & is now. Another brigade has gone in there so we shall not have any more picketing to do then at present. We have brigade drills now. My Regt is quite healthy generally- We have lost 17 men. The 15th have lost over

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30. Mrs Proctor is here. has been for several days. Also Mrs Blunt- & two or three other ladies in the 12th I had a long letter from Atherton yesterday. His papers are excellent. I think he is doing admirably. Says he is starting the law a little. I am very glad to see him succeeding so well with the papers. Says he has several new subscribers. Am glad you are having such a good time. Reckon your body will be a second wandering jew. Why dont you get you a set of furs? Have’nt you got that money yet- on your note? If you get it you had better buy some furs.

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I have no money here, & am borrowing to live on. So I cant send you any. I hope you will use discretion in selecting some furs. Get something substantial. Mrs Tripp wrote a nice letter. What a good little soul she is. Have they made a draft in Exeter? What a battle they had in Tennessee. How does it effect the public mind at the North? What do they say about Genl. Mc- Clellan now? Capt Atherton gave Genl. Foster a good notice. He stands among our first Generals now We are having a very nice easy time here now.

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Not much of a chance to win the star. But I suppose you are glad of that. I dont know what we shall do next summer when these 9 months troops return. We shall have to enlist again or the army will dwindle all away. All else we shall have to make a general conscript- tion law. I should like that the best. I want to return home to my wife & have a little quiet. What a hurly burly my life has been since I left college. I love you my sweet angel.

Yr fond husband W.

