Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Hd Qrs 16th Vt Infty Camp at Farifax Station Va.Feb’y 24th 1862 My own Sweet wife,

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It is quite late but I must write a few words to my baby wife or she will cry, which I do not allow. Darling I love you so much. I would hold you in my lap if you were here. Are you real well to-night? I should like to see how you look, how do you? Do you love yr husband just as well as ever? If we could but live to- gether & see what we are & whether we can still love each other just as

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tenderly as before we were married. I sometimes think I have not been tender & devoted enough towards you when with you since we were married but it was more the result of feeble health or much care that an intention to be negligent. I will try and improve hereafter, if I ever can be myself. I was very weak last Summer& little things irritated me, & I got very Tired every day. I dont see how I did so much as I did. You know I had to work day and night. I hope your baby wont

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be as weakly as I was. I guess he wont as my natural health & strength is so great. You ought to see me now. I am heavy & very solid, & feel very vigorous now. We dont eat but twice each day & I eat a good many apples which agree with me better than anything else. My boys name is Henry I never thought to ask him is other name but I believe it is Marsh or something of that kind. He is the best boy I ever had. Jason is Lt. I do want to see you my angel. I love you.

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I hope you wont get to worrying about me & think you must have me with you when you are confined, because it will be impossible probably but I will write very often if I can write or send at all, & you may have all the letters right in the room with you, if you will be modest. I do hope you wont have to be exposed any. You will have Dr. Spaulding wont you? Yr form will get quite handsome again by the time I get home, Good night my own darling wife.

Yr husband.

