Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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He’d Qurs 16th Vt Inf Camp at Fairfax Sta. Va March 15th, 1863My Darling Wife

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It is very late so I shall not write much, have been writing business letters & feel tired. Got your letter to-day, & was glad. Who shall you have if Dr Spaulding is not there? When should the baby make his appearance? I never saw any one quite as proud as you I’ll bet it will be a girl. Please send me a picture with your new cloak on. Did you get that letter I wrote in Washington in pencil? Why dont you sell the Tel. if you can sell it well. I should have advised that at first but that Father wanted it kept. But I think it a very foolish thing for a man to try to controll property after his disease. I have always thought it would be better to sell the paper provided it could be well sold, which may be done after having established the fact that you can carry it on

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& are not obliged to sell it. As people would have supposed at first if they had tried to sell it. I have heard that Rollins expressed satisfaction with its management. It is impossible for me to accomplish anything about holding the P.V. as I am not acquainted with the N.H. Congressmen & cannot put them under any obligation to me. You will have to do it through the influence of the paper. Let me know about Atherton. No I lost no horses, of course. The General was 3 or 4 miles from us. We would have taken care of him had he been here! his quarters were at the Ct. House. I caught 4 rebels last night. Well my angel I must go to bed alone Its dreadful cold, been thundering all the Afternoon & hailing & snowing. I never saw such weather. I do wish my sweet little wife, would love me tight. Why dont you get the baby ten or 12 more dresses, &ccc. Good night my darling.

Yr husband W.

