Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Qrs 16th Vt Inf. Camp at Fairfax Sta. Va March 20th, 1863 My Darling Wife,

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I should think you looked handsome, 32 inches. I hope you dont tell any one. What a beautiful form. Reckon I should need an introduction. Yr Mother did’nt mention but 30 inches when she was the biggest. I should have to splice my arms if I saw you, or else hug one half at a time. Guess you will have a whole litter of babies. Am afraid you will get so big you cant love me, wont you? I should like to see you sure. Hope that picture, will come soon. Can you walk yet? What do you eat? Are you perfectly comfortable? & are you well? It is very cold for the season. Snowed a little to day. Which do you prefer, having a baby, or to be out here with me? Shall you allow the little fellow to smoke? What a dreadful severe mother you will be probably. Can

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you realize that you will soon be a Mother? I cant. Is that little girl I saw at N.C. a wife & Mother. It cant be. It was not but little while ago since you were so shy about that first kiss. Wont that splendid? The the ride, & the first letter, & the engagement, & the quarrels, & at old Concord, & married & now a baby. It is all a sweet dream. I will go to bed & dream. Good night my angel. send me a kiss-

Yr fond husband Wheelock

