William B. Reynolds to Lyman S. Williams

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Head Qrs. 17th Regt. Vt. Vols.Before Petersburg Va. July 17 64 Friend Williams.

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Yours of the 11th inst. reached me this A.M. the first mail we have recd. for some three or four days, on acct. of Roberts Great “Raid” I suppose. I am very glad to hear from you, but sorry to hear just what you write. But your case as stated is a clear one, to me, and Lt. Col. Hale evidently has made himself very liable by such tampering with your rolls. Your “Cer- tificate of Muster” – if by a Mustering Officer - must be held a valid muster, I am quite sure – papers or no papers, beside.

Go straight forward – but stand for your rights. As your discharge was in proper form you must be 2d Lt. of “C” or a citizen , and I could almost con- gratulate you (certainly I could Mrs. L.S.) if your certificate of muster proved invalid

In your case I would go to Gen.

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Grant (L.A.) and state your case ful- ly to him. He will straighten it I am quite sure, for he is particular about such things. At all events, refuse to be paid as Sergt. and go in on your “Dig” as far as the cash is concerned.

I have thought often of you, all summer; and wished to hear from the Co.& Regt, but had no chance to go over & see you, as I have been in command of the Regt. much of the time. Now you are gone to Md. I suppose I shall not see you soon; but I am always anxious & happy to hear from all of my “boys.”

Let me know how you all get along; what you did in Md; any deaths or changes in Co. “I”; and such items as you like. Who is your major? What news from Essex this summer?

I heard George Brown was dead; is it so? Hope not, at least.

How sad! That so many of our old comrades are dead! I can

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not realize it.

Well, I have a thousand quest- tions to ask, and would like to see you; but as this ca’nt be, I will close.

We remain in “status quo” here just as when your Corps left, only the 2d Corps has been withdrawn and now is resting in our rear.

Heavy work is coming soon. I feel it in my bones. God grant it may not last long!

Write me soon as you can. Remember regards to all our boys, and my friends who inquire.

Truly your friend Wm B Reynolds
Maj. 17th Vt. Vols

Lt L.S. Williams
6th Regt. Vt. Vols.

