Lillian Herrick Olzendam to Frank G. Howland

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October 19th, 1919

Mrs Vance D. Conant

My dear Mrs Conant:

I received your note recently saying your
husband is ill and that you doubt if he would be able to go
to a special session. We are getting the signatures of
our friends in the legislature in order that when Senator
Howland of Barre goes with his legislative committee to call
upon the Governor he may take with him the signatures of a
majority of the men in both houses.

When I called upon Mr. Moody of Waterbury recently he
was too ill to see me, but his wife explained my mission to him,
and he signed the petition to Governor Clement calling upon him
to call a special session before January first to ratify the
Federal Suffrage Amendment. Perhaps you will be so good as to
do the same forme-Mr. Conant is a friend of woman suffrage and
I am anxious to have his name to add to the many others in his
county. I have almost enough but of course the more I get
the more weight will they carry.

Hoping that by this time Mr. Conant is much better, I am

Very sincerely yours.

Chairman of Ratification

