Lillian Herrick Olzendam to Marion Stone Pelley

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My dear Mrs Pelley:

If nothing happens I shall go to St.J.
with Dr. Horton next Friday the 24th and she expects to get
there about noon.

Now I shall have to depend on your good graces to find
someone with a car who will either take or send me to some of
your outlying towns to get signatures. I will enclose list
of some that I want to visit unless by that time I shall have
heard from them by mail. Have just returned from another
flying trip which was more than successful because I got two
violent antis that I had not counted upon at all. I already
have a large majority of the Senate, and two thirds of a majority
of those I must have in the House. It's only a case of being
able to reach them and you know as well as do I that a car is
the only possible solution. It is possible that Mrs Bailey
would send me for the afternoon(Dr. will start back after supper
probably) or if not, and Mr. Pelley could spare the time we
could use the Doctor's car. There must also be other members
of your league who have cars and perhaps could do their bit for
suffrage in that way.

Of course you saw editorial in yesterday's Burlington
Free Press-it only bears out my assertion that there is "a
nigger in the woodpile"-things like that only make my work
harder! Dr. would like very much to have you discover who
was responsible for that article. Do you suppose it was that
Miss Edwards who is in the state working for the Republican
party? I run on to her everywhere.

Hope things are moving smoothly for you and yours-we
are in my mother’s old home for the present but the furnace not
being in working order, we are having rather a hard time to keep
warm and do all the things we have to do. Let me know as soon
as possible about the foregoing and oblige very much your friend,

