Annette W. Parmelee to Ida H. Harper

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Enosburg Falls, Vt.
Nov, 21, 1919.

Mrs. Ida Husted Harper,
171 Madison Ave.,
New York City.
My dear Mrs. Harper;-

For the past week I have been almost in the depths of
despair. When your letter arrived last week I had just completed
fifty large pages of the Suffrage History desired by Miss. Agnes
Ryan, she asking for full text of Suffrage Bills and details of
matters of interest etc, so not having received instructions
from you, I naturally concluded that was the form to follow.

Such long close application tired my eyes to such an
extent that I have not been able to do any writing on the History
this week, many other writing demands are upon me that I have
put over for this and now must attend to first, but just as soon
as I can I shall get busy again and try to get something in accord
ance with your suggestions and will get it to you as soon as I
possibly can.

Trusting this will be satisfactory, I am
Very sincerely yours,
Annette W. Parmelee