Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, October 10, 1890

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Strafford, Vt. Oct 10th, 1890
My dear Sir:
In reply to your favor of the 8th inst.
under the original act of 1862, ten per cent
of the fund might have been expended for an
experimental farm. I do not think under the
last act anything of that kind was in-
tended, and it would be too broad a con-
struction probably to claim that it is included
in "facilities for instruction" in Agriculture.
By the latest act, mainly intended to
strengthen Colleges already established under
the act of 1862, there is a provision, for such
as "may be hereafter established", intended only
to cover new States and Territiories, but they must
be in accordance with the act of 1862, which,
if you study it, you will see includes much
more than Agriculture and the Mechanic
Arts. If a School or College for the latter

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only were established, excluding everything
else, it could not be claimed that it was
in conformity to the act of 1862.
I have always thought that your
Experimental farm was objectional from
its distance away and from reports made
to me concerning its inferior soil and
wish you had a better one within a half-
mile of the University.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prest. M. H. Buckham
Burlington, Vt.

