Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, May 30, 1877

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Strafford Vt. May 30, 1877
Prst. Buckham;
My dear Sir: I send a copy of what
I have taken great liberty to send to
Lt. Cummins, but time and absolute agree-
ment is important. If not approved, write
what you please. I have also ventured to
write to the Adj't Genl. requesting him
not to assign Lt. C. elsewhere, as he will
beyond doubt I think decide to come with us.
The terms I proposed, seemed to me just.
I was delighted with your dear
little Miss Fletcher and I hope her
shadow will never be less. How splendidly

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the large scope of her beneficence looms
up when compared with anything
in the history of Vermont and how
much better than to have frittered
it away upon multifarious objects.
As it is her name will become imper-
ishable--if those in charge of the
trusts shall be as wise and disin-
terested as the founders of these noble trusts.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

