Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, August 6, 1877

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Strafford, Vt. Aug. 6 1877
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington Vt.
My dear Sir: Your favor of
the 1 inst. discloses almost an embar-
rassment of riches. I deem it of para-
mount importance that our new pro-
fessor should be in the highest rank
as to scientific knowledge with power to
communicate it, and only next in
importance that he should be a full
grown man, not a boy, and able by
his intercourse to impress himself
upon the students. He should be a

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gentleman in his manners and one
who as a member of the faculty
could properly demand of students
that they too should be gentlemen
as well as scholars.
You want constant aid from every
member of the faculty to build up
the institution and make the stu-
dents love as well as respect its
It is easy enough to make
out an ideal description of what
is wanted but more difficult
to find the man we want. You
must move slowly and carefully and
yet you have but little time. It

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is vastly important to succeed at
the first trial, as it is ever disagreeable
to change, and anyone that fails, will
go away decrying the institution.
I do not feel competent to advise
you but I would not have anyone
against whom there were substantial
personal objections. I would
seek the
man at Middlebury unless he first
sought us. I think I had rather trust
you, however, than myself, but do
not be afraid of getting a good and
strong man, one that you can some-
times lean upon yourself.
Sincerely yours
Justin S. Morrill

