Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, February 17, 1878

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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, Feb. 17 1878
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.
My dear Sir: I have your favor
of the 14inst. I cannot think Mr.
Collier would dare to do anything like
stirring up a war against you or the
College. I have said to him that
you and the Professors had furnished
me with testimonials in his behalf
which enabled me to push his fortunes
here, and that it was, under the
circumstances, a very generous and
handsome thing to do. I added
that he must still feel the same

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interest which I felt in the success of
the institution and, if he had any
personal friends who felt inclined to
attack the University, I hoped he would
use his influence to prevent them
from continuing such attacks. From his
reply I inferred that he was quite
willing to do so.
Of course we must stand the fire
of those who think they are justified
in their attacks. I am disposed to
think that a rival institution hopes
to obtain a share of the endowment
by creating some clamor, but I am
not possessed of any facts upon the
subject and you of course know

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most and best.
I will see Collier and talk with
him again. I have no personal acquaint-
ance of any extent with Dr. Hoskins or
Jameson, Chapman or Douglas. I do not
suppose they could be appeased unless
they could all have your place.
I spoke to Col. J. B. Mead about
doing something for us in the way of
experiments and he promised to write
me whether he would or not but has
not written. I think it would be very
advisable to enlist him if possible.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

