Arvilla Colton to Lydia, Susan, and Ruth Colton, 1826 June 18

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Johnson 1826 June 18 Affectionate Sisters

I now this of writing to inform you of my health which is not very good at this time I would inform you that I have been confined to my bed about 3 weeks with a sore breast which has been very painful. the Doctor [lanced] it last Tuesday and I have been gaining very fast since tho it is very painful yet. I am very much to you for the present you sent our Daughter and think you [must] want to see her very much but as it is so you cannot I will send you a lock of her hair to look at. I hope these few scribbles will find you all in good health. [Everline] sends her respects to you all and Zebina also I want to see you all very much but do not expect to unless you come and make us a visit which I hope you will if possible. I have not any thing more to write at present, so I must draw to a close by subscribing myself

your Sister till Death Arvilla Colton

