Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, undated

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Pleasant Lake Stuben Co IndDear Brother & Sister,

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I now embrace the opportunity of writing a few lines to you to let you know how we are a getting along we are enjoying as good health as we could expect all things considered and hope that you are enjoying the same blessing Lemuel is married and lives close by us he bought his half [       ] he married a girl by the name of Martha Crampton Verona is dead she died 20th of Nov with the consumption she under went a great deal for the last two months of her

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life she could not lay down in the bed and had to be bolstered up in a chair and was as helpless as a little child she had to be lifted and she would not speak above a whisper she died in hopes of a glorious immortality beyond the grave and we trust that our loss is her gain her Daughter is with us this winter a going to school and her father boards with a brother of his that lives close by his place and does his own chores they were in verry good circumstances after the school is out they will

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go to keeping house again we send you her photograph we were with her the most of the time for the last six weeks of her sickness we had a letter from Ellen some few weeks ago she has a little girl and they & Carlos folks were well give our love Lydia & Uncle Daniel likewise to Craigs folks and the girls & Arch[  ] family we should be verry happy to see some of you out here this summer we are a having a verry hard winter with us there has been more snow than we usually get and this

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winter sat in without any rain and water has been verry scarce but we now have a plenty our crops were verry good the last season so we have a plenty to live on and feel thankful to our heavenly Father for every blessing confered upon us and when I think of the pleasure that I enjoyed whilst I was with you I have never felt sorry that I went to see you and how glad I would be to see you once more my paper is used up and it is quite a task for me to write so I will close for the present

Lemuel & Matilda Colton