Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher and Family, 1884 July 10

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July 10 1884Dear children & grand children

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being sunday morning thought to myself how am spend the day I at once I would like to spend it with you but as this cannot be I thought I would write you farmers have just commenced haying grass rather light the same with hops grain of all kinds looks fine

the men have finished up the barn and have left this leaves 2 by the month Lucy has no girl the milk goes to the factory she often if you ever rec Eddie picture rec a letter from Ed a few ago saying all well

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In your last you want to know when I am comeing over I want you to come and see us which I shall expect this fall or before it has long time since any of was here my health is very good my strength growing less my left arm is very weak I think sometimes I shall loos the use of it you will see by this writing my hand is very shaky I hate to think the time will come when I cant write to my children or grand children for it helps to while away some lonely hours

Jessie is at home did not go away on account of her mother health which is poor

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Lucy is rather poorly this summer she complains of being tired has sick headache great deal in fact we all considerable grunting but

Jewet Webb wife died a days ago of cancer of the stomach I must hoping to hear from all love to all inquireing friends and much for yourselves

your aff mother and grandmotherC E Smith

