Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher and Family, [circa 1884] January 27

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Sunday January 27Dear children and grand children

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it seams a long time since I wrote you or herd from you I rec H letter in due time did not reply as I ought to have done I excused my self on acount of poor health and a treambling hand I am quite well at preasent and hope to be better if the snow drifts get down enough so I can see over them this month has been so blustering I could not look out

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The friends are well Sam & Lucretia are [joying] around Jessie is to Malone to school Jane is teaching our school this winter it is seldom I see any of them most of the neighbours are straingers to me Mrs Morgan and Josie [   ] came to see me a few days ago I was glad to see them I assure you

the estate of Morgans is not settled Mrs. M. does not know wheather she will keep the farm or not the boys are very unkind to there mother she is like every other widow nobody ever knew any good of one yet B sent Ed a 30 lb tub of butter for christmas I am afraid E will think it was rather dear butter charges $7.00 55

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we rec a letter from Ed written Christmas saying they were all well Edie has come up stairs and is looking over the Album and has found Uncle Keg and Aunty he says tell them to come right over here and open the door he wants to see you he talks a great deal about going to mont we should be glad to see you all opening the door and have you come in and make us a visit how is baby I suppose you are beginning to think of putting short clothes on I will send him some short skirts before long I got scarlet dyes to color them L was coloring

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she said she would color them and took an old pan the result is they are spotted

B is choping in the woods every day going to draw this week the weather permiting I must close Edie tounge flies so fast I can neither think nor write hoping to hear from you soon

much love to allMother & Grandma

write soon

