Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, [circa 1884] March 4

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BurkeMarch 4Dear daughter

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your kind letter of Feb 11 came to hand the 25 of the same month glad to hear you are all well and that you are taking a little rest I am shure you are very much in need of this great restorear I have just rec letters from Ed and M saying they enjoy the best of health E says the winter has been very cold but the crops look well I dont think they will freeze if they have plenty of warm clothing

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Sam slipt on the Ice a few days ago fell striking on his head and back he was unconsus for several hours he is up again but is troubled with diziness he is quite feable thinks he will recruit when warm weather comes Lucretia is better she has been with Emma most of the time for 6 weeks E is poorly she has to bring up the babe on the bottle I have not been to see Emma the roads have been to bad for me to go alone the sleighing is all gon the winds are dreadful cold there is a great sick A Wright has neumonia and Fany is also sick and 3 children

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For the last few days B has been to Ringvill trying to draw hune timber for a barn he can only get it to the road it is 15 miles from home As for myself I stay close to the stove and try to keep warm Ive not been out much this winter Lucy is taking musick lessons of Min Chapman but will not when the roads get bad

Eddie is just as troublesome as ever he wants to tare down all he sees built up he speaks some words and motions out the rest he tells about Rhett almost every day I wish I could see the little chap

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I was sorry to hear of Mrs Adams misfortune I am glad she has a sister to take care of her I hope she will recover remember me to both of them and others that may inquire after me

Jessie wants I should tell Katie she owes her a letter I must close hoping to hear from you all

with much loveMother

