Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, [circa 1884] April 29

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April 29Dear daughter

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being alone this after noon I will try and pen a few lines to you it is almost imposible for me to write when Eddie is here

my health is no better than when I left your place last Dec my right arm is getting weak the same as the left one was last fall I have done very little since I came home only a little sewing I live in hopes when the weather gets warm I shall be able to help myself I dont expect to ever be well

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2 weeks ago I went to see Dr Bates he told me the same as Flagg did and ordered the same meadacine only more kind s this week I sent my wool to the spiners to be finished up I expect the Wright family will soon be broaken up the propity will not pay the debts Mr H deeded one half to his farm to Son that is one half the farm I am afraid Hester will be left with a small allowance you ask Dr Flagg how much I am indebted to him send bill I will pay it I would write the girls if I could but it is very hard work I hope it will not make any diferance I want you all to write as often as you can I noticed the death of Mrs O C Hill of Iowa city Eddie says tell Rhett he has a colt 2 week old that plays and jumps

love to allMother

