Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1885 June 11

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Jeffersonville Vt.,June 11,.1885Dear sister Kate

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I promesed to write you. I am in school now but did not think to write last night Clara is writing to you I guess last night we raced untle hafe half past eight I run with Eddie and we came out jest the same we have company every day this week have you heard of Mrs Oake of Johnson she was to our house she had a [bak] Mama would have liked but she asked so mutch for it that we did not buy it papa is after a gone to Water

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ville to day after a horse I went down in the feeld and found four little birds they opened there mouths as though they were hungry Rhett want to take me up to the house Nora is jest as ugly as ever she is jumping up and so I cant half write do you want to come home Friday I will had stay at home [Clara Y.] is a goint to stay with me I guess most Evry house in the village is painted an odd coulor have you had any bearys yet I have not I rode horse back last night my hand acks so I will have to stop

your sisterCarrie

