Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1885 June 14 and Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1885 June 24

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Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1885 June 14 San Jose CalJune 14th 1885.My Dear Sister

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Your very welcome letter was received on my arrival home last friday and it is useless for me to add that I was glad to hear from you after so long a lapse of time and to hear of the good health of yourself and family I am glad to note that we are in the enjoyment of good health peace and prosperity surrounded by every luxury and comfort the heart can wish for. Our new house is grand and all I wish for is that all our Kin were as well off as we in this respect but it has cost lots of coin I have paid out all told 6600.00 Dolls up to date. I had the misfortune last Feb to loose my best house in Fresno by fire altho

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I was insured for 1000.00 Dolls I sustained a loss of $500 besides the monthly rent of $20. I have sold off most of the lots I had there and have done well on them. I am sorry to learn of Your financial trouble but am not at all disappointed at the actions of the Adams tribe and it is strange that you all should be so deluded by that old skin flint for all his promises and friendship were but motives to get free grub and whiskey and all other favors he could get out of you I forsaw this years ago and when you an Fletcher were building your castles on old Adams promises I said to myself as well as others you will get badly left which you see has proven true I dont see how I can come to

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your releif with coin altho I have several hundred now idle from the fact that I can get so much higher rate of interest here than there. of course if you were in want I would fly to your releif at once but as it is it is only a business proposition I think you would do better nearer home but my advise to you would be to sell at the best advantage pay up and then put the Bal out in your own name & never let it go beyond your reach this is advise I give my own wife and she has and holds in her own right her separate estate. By the way what is Fletcher doing all these years with his genius & industry cant he get ahead if not get out of there and try some other place or some other business

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The best moove of my life was when I left Vt for Cal and the greatest mistake I ever made was the day I was married I did not come direct here for this country is so much broader with none of that little dirty picauneishness so noted in the average Vermonter besides in a country lik this a man has a scope for his intellect and brains and he can grow as big as he has a mind to We expect Sister Mat here this week am glad that they are comeing sorry to hear of mothers poor health How I would like to pay you a visit once more to see thos litle ones tell Katy to get a thorough education for a teacher and then come here where she can make

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something Give my love to all the old friends & neighbors and in future write often Marill sends love to you and babies I leave this week for Southern Cal. Love to all

Your Aff BroEC. Smith

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Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1885 June 24 Jeffersonville, Vt.June 24, /'85.Dear Mamma:-

I came home last night & all are well & getting along nicely, dont you worry about the children for they are just as good as can be I do hope grandma will get well, for it makes me feel Sad to think of any thing different & if she does get well, you stay all the vacation if you want to we can get along; will send you a letter we rec'd. today from uncle. Some of the D's did not pass out of anything in thier examination I did all but geometry. I feel well about it as it is.

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grandma & grandpa came this morning do not know how long they will stay, this is all I can think of to say am in a hurry or I would write more, love to all, especialy grandma & tell her I do hope she will get well, if she is any worse I am comeing write often.


