Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 January 14

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Jeffersonville VtJan 14, 1887Dear Sister-.

As I sit here at school I think I guese Katie would like to have me write to her I dont think it will be very interesting though Rhett is better I realy think. He was ever so much pleased when he opened you package I went to Waterville last wednesday night had a very nice time we were there to supper to Mr Miller. I want to study History of United States Childs Hist they have just formed a class

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here Oh! I think it is splended I want to come up next week if I can Winnie is going on thier farm next March Myra and Edie are coming to my house to night if it dont storm to hard Nellie Griswold went to Fletcher to the oster supper with Carlie [      ] we have twenty four scholars up stairs I think you owe me a letter but I know you are very busy and do not have time to write but would like to here from home just the same I think I have written quit a letter now and will carry this home and let mama write some more

Good byeCarrie

P.S. Mama is busy and has not time to write

