Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 November 9

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Jeffersonville VtNov 9, 1887.My Dear Sister-.

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We received your letter the other evening and of course we were very glad to get it I went a concert or rather a Lecture Last night.

We are all well. Oh! Katie, Bessie is so pretty, and so good. Our School is most out and I am not very sorry.

Mamma said it seemed a good while since she had seen you and we will all be very glad when you come home.

I told you in one of your letters I had a very nice ring it is gold with three stones the center stone is white

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with two blue stones on the side. (It is lovely)

The people here are finding a good deal of fault with both schools. Our school will not keep to morrow for Teacher is going to the reunion at Hyde park and so school wont be out untill Sat. Mamie F. was home last week she looks as though she was not very well.

I dont think we are going to have very much the last day only Public club. Dont I talk as though it was great.

You must have bad a jolly time the other evening. "Was "Ober" there" this is not much of a letter for I have writen it in school. Dont you think I improve in writing? With much love and a kiss I remain

Your SisterCarrie Fletcher

