Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1888 January 9

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Johnson, Vt.,Jan. 9, 1888Dear Mamma.-

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Guess I shall have time to answer your letter, which was just rec'd. before dinner.

Would have written you Fri. night, but thought from the tone of the letter I rec'd. from you & Carrie last week that the letters I send are so mangled up that they are somewhat amusing and I do not have much time to write letters of fromality. But will try and say nothing here that is nonsensical.

Have you seen Mr. and Mrs. Griswold yet in regard to that money! I wish you would, for me, and if it is possible get $30. so that I may pay up board-bill and bill for my shoes I purchased at beginning of term. If you could get it for me then, it would be much pleasanter for me than for papa to see Mr. Andrews about it, [   ] as I inferred from your letter that he intended doing this. I do not want him to do it though, for Mr. A. is helping all he can.

I have not as yet got that money from Prof. for him, as when I last spoke to him he did not have it, will have it in a few days though. Written "on demand" was my own work. He will give me what time I want. Have rewritten the note & transferred your name. am glad my dress is pretty, would like to get it and see if it is all right.

These are hard times for the A's But if I can only pull through, I'm willing to work, if I'm sick for 1 mo. after I leave school. But I don't look very faded and aged as yet. So dont imagine a skeleton looming up before the people when I come to Jeffersonville

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My room-mate is much better, so it is easier for me.

Does Uncle Bent wish Aunt Lucy to come to him? is that the point?

Mr. Campbell choose but 2 ladies from the class to speak, and do you know Blanchard Ervins was the other favored one? She feels tipsy over it that she has come up with me, but ishe is a fine elocutionist & I'm willing to acknowlege it. Mr. Campbell told me Fri nite was the grandest piece they had. But I worry over it terribly I'm so afraid they wont get the thought & like it. We graduate thurs. forenoon & have class-exercises in the P.M. My comes under the Graduating Exercises in the morning. It is "The Chimes of St. Nicholas." Dont that sound immense?

O Mamma I'll be glad when I get where I can sleep all I want to dont you believe it?

Up till 12 every night, then up at 5.30 every morning, week after week is too much & Prof. said so too. We girls have made a strike through 2 or 3 mornings & slept all the forenoon Sat. or Sundays. But Mrs. Andrews preferrs getting one breadfast to 4 different ones for 4 different girls so we have to keep on tick.

Keep up spirits mama, and if I fail don't murder me.

Old Duncan is on the examining board this term

Remember me to Miss Hazen.

Love to all,Kate

Dont scold about this stub pen mama for I can write 3 times as fast with it.

