Katherine Fletcher to Classmates at Johnson State Normal School, 1888 March 3

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Jeffersonville, Vt.March 3, 1888.My dear Classmates.-

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This letter reached me to-day, and I assure you all, it was a welcome visitor. But, by the time it reaches me again, it will be still more welcome, as it will then contain something from all the members of the class. Many of you I have heard from, others I have not, and I will say to those to whom I promised to write, and

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have not as yet,--keep up good courage, be not afraid, and in due season my letter will reach you,--if I faint not.

Lulu and Viola A., I have not seen those letters as yet. When shall I?

I have thought of you all many times since that eventful Thurs., of the good old days past, etc. I wish all of us were going to meet together, in the old Normal building once more. Wouldn't it be a grand reunion? Let's all try and see how well we may have our class represented at the close of school, in June. What say ye?

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My letter would not be like the rest if I did not tell you what I've been doing since school closed. Well, it will not take me long.

I have spent my time sleeping, washing dishes, reading practicing, and -- I almost forgot- writing letters. Do you not think it has been profitably spent? A change from Johnson life, at any rate.

I have thought of Graduation Day a great deal of late, and it never comes to my mind without my seeing what a pitiful sight we must have made there on the platform, so many of us weeping. But not many of you "put in" in the fashion I did, unless

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it was Joe.----Excuse me, Miss Perry.

What a neighborly being you are getting to be, Wilmer! Or, at least I thought so, one day last month. But, perhaps under the circumstances, you were excusable. To prevent this happening again I will direct you--First block east of brick church, directly west of Cottage Hotel. Remember?

I must close this at once as I have written more than I ought, already. Hope this will get around the class before our schools begin in May. Do you suppose we shall be successful in keeping our letter in circulation as long as Prof. C's class did?

From one of the members-Katie.

Thanks to Viola for starting our letter so soon.

