C.P. Hogan to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 March 28

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C.P. HOGAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW,Sheldon, Vt.,Mch. 28, 1888Miss. Fletcher,

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Recv'd. yous of the 26, and in compliance with your request I presented your application to the chairman of our Prudential Com: and with pleasure, supplemented it all the good & complimentary remarks I could fairly manufacture for the occasion~ He promised me that he would write you & take into consideration your application, & I trust he may engage you, though I must say, I do not think the School a very desirable one to teach, all things considered~ However, I know others have applied, & some of them have before taught here, & I recv'd. a letter from one such lady today- I think they generally pay from $5. to $6. per week, not including board, which can be had for about $2. or $2.50 per week, I think- I am not sure of these figures, but have an impresion they paid about $5.50 last year. I have nothing to do with it myself. Please extend my regards to your father & mother. Hoping you may make satisfactory arrangements.

I am truly yours,C.P. Hogan.

