Ellen Colton to Ruth Fletcher, [circa 1855] April 22

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Danville April 22ndDear Aunt

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I am ashamed because I have not wrote to you before but you must excuse me for doing as I have I have not much to write about but will do my best I was sorry to hear such news of you and wished a great many times that I could see you but could not I had such a time getting here after I started that I did not want to try it again unless they would come to and we could not [start] Caleb and this is one reason that I have not written before I did not know but I should come and tell you all. I was sorry to hear that S had done as he has for I thought that he thought more of her than that. how does Alek and hellen get along in their new life Mary and I think that the rest of the girls be for getting Married right off she has

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so well. C has gone and left us he left here [a] week ago for Canada we have not heard from him yet but expect to every day he and Mary agreed well while he was here I will tell you all about that likeness he showed us when I come there but durst not now for I dont want any one else to know it I miss him for he was most always talking to me he write to Craig to know whether I thot thought anything of C or not and he wrote that he did not know any thing about it I read the letter before he did it was with that one from home you wanted to know what sort of a time I had with C and you would tell in your next what he told you I did not like it very well for you to write so for I wanted to know then so I will serve you in the same way it was far from being pleasant and the rest I will

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tell you when I come that will do wont it I had a letter from home yesterday they were all well as usual Fathers hand no better Carlos is in Hopkinton yet he has taken a select school there so I have given up the idea that I shall never see him again we Miss little siss here I do more than I ever thought I should a little child she was so good that any one could not help liking her if I could get hold of [bud] I would kiss him as much as [once] and you do it for me tell him I want you to dont let him forget me for I never can him. I have began to work in the Factory have worked four weeks my [       ] is [warping] drawing in and feeling I do not know how much I shall have yet I like it well have got a hard cold the second I had I shall come and see you soon as I can when the

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roads get good I have no more excuse all mistakes and write soon

from your affectionate Ellen

to all


Mr Andrew FletcherBelvidereVermontDanville VTMay 2

