Lemuel Colton, Jr. to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1876 July 5 and Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher

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Mr Andrew FletcherCo. Vt


Lemuel Colton, Jr. to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1876 July 5 July the 5th 1876Dear Uncle & Aunt

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I seat myself to let you know how we are Through the Provedence of God I am able to write to you i have benn sick evry Since the Six of March i had three Doctors call to see me they said that i could not get well But neverlss i am ablle to walk around some i am gain evry day we know not what God has laid up for us to do he all thing for the best man may try to Build up a Foundation of his own hear on earth but when he comes to die he has to look on the Savior for help in evry time how thankfull we ought to be that so kind a freind to wach over us Perhaps we may not meet hear on Earth again in frenly [corse] But I hope we shall meet in heaven at God ritt hand i shall not forget the many chats we had when Father & i was their through neglect i have not wrote very many letters But throught the of God he spar my life i will try to do better in the futur i was drove with work so last Summer that i thought i would write good many times last Faul my Brother was to work on Gravle train & throught the carlless of some men the train run off the Track & through him off & very near kill him so I was

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Busy all winter till I was taken sick perhaps you would like to know what the matter was i had four or five complaints my kidneys & heart was the worst i had to lay on my back for Eight weeks it was Thirteen weeks before i could set up a half & hour at a time i look more like a skeliton than a man I do not what i would have done if it haden ben that i could Drink milk it took (2) two quarts a day i had no appetite when i was so sick But now i am hungry most all the time. Father & mother have ben quite well considdern they have had to look after the farm Mattie was tired out when i got better She took care of me all of the time She say that She would like to come out & see you all but it has cost us so much since i was sick that we could not come we would like for you to come out & see us this Faul Matte wants Della to come out & see us she wants her to write & She will answer it have you hard from Carlos latly i wrote to Ellen & She did not answer it well i will write a little abut Farmming we had good crops last year we had about five hunded Bushels of wheat i have got Twenty-Two. Acre of wheat this year it will not much over half a crop it has ben so wet that

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Farming dos not Pay verry well the hay crop is good But it rains most evry day so it will be hard to get it the corn crop looks very good considern how wet it has ben potatoes will be a very crop if it Oats look well we have got one hundded & Nintey Sheep But not have got them all to home we sold our Wool for Twenty Six cents a lbs we could have got more if we had sold soonner Crops are very dull Sale the hard times afect the Farmming a good deal i will give you Some of the Prises of produse Corn (40) centes wheat one Dol a bushel butter (18) cnt a lbs Oats (30) hogs ($500) a [hunded] Sheep from one dol to Two a head Cows Best $30) evry thing else in Proportion when you answer this letter writte whare is the near Railroad Station to you Plase So we can Send you some Apples this Faul we have got quite lots frute this year Peaches anofe for our use Seth was well & his Daugher when we heard from them last they live on their Farm his Brother live with him last summer till last Month his wife was take with a chill & dide in three hours so they live alone now when we heard from Lyman Folks they was well i gess they had prety hard time last summers to get along But the crops are better in Kansas

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this Summer if Lyman was Back on the Place that his Father Give him he would be conted to stay But he is like a rolling stone he is not conted any whear give our respets to all. & tell thm that we would lik for you them to come and see us so this time i will leave a Plase for Father

From Mattie, L. C. Colton
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P.S. Mother want me to write & tell you what a nice present she got the Fourth She went to the centennial Pick nick at the Lake & She got a nice Bedspread She was one

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of the oldest Settlers in the County Love to all write Soon Lemuel. Colton Jr Mattie. Colton

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Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher Dear Brother & Sister

as Lemuel did not fill the whole space I thought I would write a few lines to you our health is as good as usual but Lemuel is poor we had no idea that he would live for a long time and it is doubtful whether he will ever be able to work on a farm again but we feel thankful that he is spared it has made it hard for me and my wife to have to take care of evrything on the farm and it has been a verry wet season so far and we are drove with work our corn wants tending and harvesting upon us and we have not got near through haying and money is scarce and produce is low and things are not verry encouraging at the present the expenses of his sickness are large and it is going to be hard to meet them give my love to Lydia and her family and Craig & Ella & and there families and Adella we should be glad to see you out here this fall

from Lemuel & Matilda Colton

