Letter to Eunice Crafts, January 22, 1825

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Washington Jan. 22d 1825My dearest friend,

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I have received your kind an very acceptable letter dated the 11th but mailed the 15th for which I sincerely thank you - and hope you will continue to write as often as you can find it convenient. I am sorry to find that you have experienced a return of the bowell complaint, which has heretofore been so troublesome to you - yet I flatter myself that the skill of your brother will point out, [     ] some remedy that will remove it, or at least check it. Your health has been in such an unsettled state so long, that i have felt great anxiety on your account. I, however, take some courage, from the account you have given me of a general improvement in it, to hope that it yet may become more permanently good. I have had no letters from Mary since I wrote last to you. I have however had one from Jacob Marsen, dated about a week after Marys letter to me - in this he observes, generally, that it is a time of health in Craftsbury - without even mentioning our family at all - which I presume he would have done, if any thing uncommon had befell them. I have also lately had a letter from Ephraim Paddock - he informs me that he had recovered from his late sickness, and thought himself full as well as he was before he went to Montpelier. This is much better news than I ever expected to hear of him, after the unfavorable accounts we received of his situation before we left home. I am pleased to hear from you that the family of President Haskell propose to remove him to Hartford - and hope that it may be the means of restoring to him the use of those faculties which formerly rendered him so interesting and useful a member of society. I believe, if his care is susceptible of a cure, of which I have some doubts, his friends could not have selected a more favorable place to make the trial.

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My health continues good - but I am quite homesick, and shall be truly rejoiced when the third of March arrives, that I may leave this place and return home. Altho' I never had much relish for the amusements of Washington, I have this winter still less and have altogether avoided attending any of their parties. That you may know how I dispose of my time, I will give you the history of one day, which with some slight alterations, is the history of every day since my arrival. After breakfast, I have either some business at the office to attend to for some of my constituents, or to attend on some committee, or answer some of the numerous letters of business which come on every mail, until the House meets, at 12 clock - and after being there 3 or 4 hours, return home to dinner - after which if the weather is pleasant, and there should be time for it - I walk out about a mile and back; by this time tea is ready - after which I return to my room, and spend the evening in examining the numerous documents communicated to Congress - and looking over the news of the day. The days that Congress do not meet I devote to writing letters. Those who are fond of fashionable parties, &c have frequent opportunities to be gratified - as there are more or less such parties every week. But there are many members, besides me, who seldom attend them. I had got so far when the mail arrived and has brought me a letter from Mary, and another from William P. And I am happy to inform you that, at the date of those letters, (Jan 11) Mary, the family and all our friends, at Craftsbury, were well. Mary says that every thing at home goes on well as she could wish - that she has some company - and that some of her young mates occasionally spend a few days with her. I am informed that the reason she has not written oftener is, that the mails have been stopped since the last week in December. And that the letters I have received were sent to Danville by a private conveyance. Mary wishes me to giver her love to you - and says she would have written to you at that time if she could have prevailed upon the person going to Danville to wait - but will write soon.

Jan. 22e 1825

Remember me affectionately to the Doctor and family and believe me most affectionately and sincerely yoursS. C Crafts

