Letter from JOHN NORTON POMEROY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated November 1, 1870.

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Burlington; 1 Nov. 1870,

Hon G. P Marsh,

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My dear Sir, An apology is due you for my delay in writing you since the receipt of yours of the 15 July, at Paris. I will now, at last, acknowlege its receipt, sometime in August, and thank you, for the agreeable contents, barring the declining of Mr Powers to furnish the model of the Ethan Allen Statue, which is, under the circumstances, a great disappointment. I am getting to feel the whole matter a tremendous great ! and need a counsellor and friend, at hand. If you were here, I should feel vastly relieved-- as it is, I lack confidence and lose momentum. I have applied to artists for ideals or designs, on paper, and have obtained but two, neither of which could I agree to accept. But I am satisfied that the Statue can be nothing more than a representation of Allen at the demand

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for the surrender of Ti--in a better dress than he probably wore, and with more dignity and less of "54 49 or fight," than the multitude might expect. When I shall have obtained a satisfactory design, and it must be soon or never, I will send you a copy; but for the long delay, the promises made to subscribers and the impatience of the public, I fear I shall be obliged to adopt it without waiting your approval, which I should very much regret to do and could not consent to, but for the urgency of the case. But as to the material of the Statue, I shall have time to receive your suggestions and opinion and profit by them. The Isle LaMotte Stone, which you will recognize as a light colored lime stone much used for building, and the same with the material of the best stone houses in Montreal, is recommended as durable and easy to work. It will be about the same shade as granite--and quere, should it (the statue) be lighter or darker than the

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You have doubtless heard of the sad and sudden decease of Mrs. Henry Loomis, from a recurrence of a similar attack with the former one. We all feel it as a great loss. She was a women of a kind heart, superior mind and decided opinions--one, of whom martyrs are made. Henry is quite alone in his splendid house, his boys all being absent, at present--he bears his great affliction like a philosopher, if not a christian.

I am sorry to be compelled to concede that the expression in Hamlet "to the manner born" is justified by its connection, and cannot be got rid of.

I do not believe you need fear the Executive guilotine -- I see nothing and hear nothing that indicates an intent to use it on you, and the application of it to Bancroft and Motley, I think, is favorable to your chances, in as much as Mr Marsh will hardly venture to exhibit what will be called hostility or disrespect to our, to say the least, scholarly and literary representatives.

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What an awful and bloody tragedy has been enacted in Europe, since I wrote you last--it is a reproach to the religion we profess and the civilization we boast of--and if some poor Pilgrim who, not having been able to "get religion," is to be subjected to eternal torment, therefor, how many eternities of torment, shall he suffer, who brought about this terrible calamity? It would seem that Prussia was justifiable and consistent. Paris must fall shortly, and what then? the empire, the Bourbons or a Republic -- They dread the first, hate the second, and are not fit for the last.

We have had the most extraordinary season that I have ever known, excepting that of 1816- -the former remarkable for excessive and continued heat south wind and sunshine--the latter for chilly frost and obstructed sun-light. We seemed to have the heat of two summers in one, and yet have suffered little from drought -- Corn first rate, potatoes medium crop--hay below medium--grapes fine, pears abundant, apples super-abundant. There are some exceptions as to drought

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We were all surprised at the recent census of the City of Burlington - the population numbering 14375! And you would I think be pained as well as surprised at the complete surrender of our once beautiful Lake shore to the lumber yards. The chief accession of moderate tenements is north of Pearl Street

Horatio Loomis has returned from his European tour, and after a short visit in B., left for Chicago; in excellent health and highly appreciating his meeting and intercourse with you and yours.

I write, without knowing whether to direct to Florence or Rome.

Mrs P. would join me in very respectful and friendly salutations to yourself & Mrs M

Very Truly YoursJohn N Pomeroy

References in this letter:

Hiram Powers (1805-1873), the most famous 19th century American sculptor and a friend of Marsh's from their early childhood in Woodstock, Vermont. Powers emigrated to Italy in 1837.

In 1855 the Vermont legislature appointed a committee to be in charge of a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen in the Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington. John Norton Pomeroy was appointed chair and Marsh served with him. Larkin Goldsmith Mead was chosen to create a figure of Allen for the monument. Unable to raise the necessary funds, the project was not completed until 1873. Mead's statue was instead placed on the portico of the State House and another figure, by Boston sculptor Peter Stephenson, surmounted the granite base erected in Burlington.

Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured Fort Ticonderoga. It was a decisive victory in the Revolutionary War. Allen demanded that the fort be surrendered "In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress". At first the commanding officer, Captain Delaplace did not comply. Allen drew his sword and repeated his demand. It is this moment which is captured in the statue.

Marsh was appointed United States Minister to Italy by the newly elected President Lincoln in 1861 and after Lincoln's reelection he continued in the post. Lincoln's successor, Andrew Johnson confirmed Marsh's reappointment. When Marsh died in 1882 he had served in the position for over twenty years.

George Bancroft (1800-1891), author of the nine-volume History of the United States, 1834-1874, had been ambassador to Great Britain 1846-49 and was appointed ambassador to Germany in 1867.

American historian and diplomat, John Lothrop Motley (1814-1877) served as Minister to Austria between 1861-1867; in 1869, President Grant appointed him Minister to Great Britain. He is the author of History of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols. (1856).

On July 19, 1870, France declared war on Prussia, starting the Franco-Prussian War, which would be lost in 1871 by France. Prussian statesman, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismark wanted to unify Germany under Prussian control, while eliminating French power over the region. Napoleon III sought to reclaim French power.

The lawyer, John Norton Pomeroy, (1792-1881) was a lawyer and prominent resident of Burlington, Vermont. He held several position in Vermont state government and was named chairman of the Statuary Committee to oversee the construction of the monument placed over the grave of Ethan Allen in Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington.

