Letter from JOHN NORTON POMEROY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated June 25, 1872.

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Burlington U.S.A. 25 June, 1872.

My dear M Marsh.

I received last evening yours of the 5 instant, which verifies my apprehension, expressed in my last (of the 21st) as to the photograph of the model. While I am much relieved by your letter, I very much regret that you have had a "relapse"--and hope and trust you may have a relapse of good health, at Florence. I have assumed your account of the "drawing" of the modification of the model to amount to an approval of the same, and have written to them (in New York) what you said, and told them to go ahead; but to let you & me know its appearance in clay, or plaster, by a photograph. This needs watching, and if you cannot go to Carrara, I hope you will let them know that your eye is upon them, and that you expect a report of progress, and especially to see a photograph of the "modified" model. I have been as yet unable to ascertain what progress had been made in cutting the Statue, if any. I wish to relieve you somewhat by assuring you that this is the letter I have written you!

And remain very truly & respectfully yours,John N. Pomeroy

[The following appears at the top of the page] P.S. Should C & I. neglect or decline to alter and conform the working model to the "drawing" they have sent you, can you not procure it to be done well and reasonably there. It is their business to do it, and I do not wish them to doubt it. J N P.

References in this letter:

The lawyer, John Norton Pomeroy, (1792-1881) was a lawyer and prominent resident of Burlington, Vermont. He held several position in Vermont state government and was named chairman of the Statuary Committee to oversee the construction of the monument placed over the grave of Ethan Allen in Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington.

Casoni & Isola was a company that dealt in statuary with offices in New York.

