Letter from JOHN NORTON POMEROY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated August 23, 1872.

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Burlington, Vt. 2 August, 1872

Hon M Marsh, Rome, Italy.

My dear Sir, Below I send a copy of my letter to Cassoni & Isola of the 17 July last, (which I ought perhaps to have enclosed to you before) which will speak for itself Not having received a reply thereto, I have assumed that the model had been prepared by them, and that the work had been begun upon the marble in good faith--nevertheless, I should like to know form some other quarter, the condition of things at Carrara--and can you not, through some agency, ascertain it? I much regret to feel obliged to ask this question, but what shall I do? I assume, of course, and trust that your health is improving. Copy of Letter to C & I. "Burlington 17 July 72-# Yours of the 15 instant is received, in which you say that the model for the statue of Ethan Allen, as altered by your firm in Carrara, has been approved by M Marsh, and that they have commenced the work in marble. I had already written to you in mine of the 25 June what M Marsh had said, and that I considered it an approval, and desired you to go ahead. As I understand matters, now, we are but to await the completion of the work according to the modified model. I was disappointed in the statement that no progress had been made in the marble work--but without discussing the cause of the delay, I expect to abide by what I said in mine of the 15 June, as to the extension of time; and trust that no further obstacle will interfere in the progress of the work, of which I hope occasionally to hear. Ys. c. John N. Pomeroy"

My last letter to you was on the 25th June--pray, if possible, answer this. Our political excitement is nearly equal to 1840--but you need not entertain any fear of being disturbed by Horace Greely. With our kindest regards to yourself & M Marsh, I remain very truly & Respectfully yours, John N. Pomeroy.

References in this letter:

Casoni & Isola was a company that dealt in statuary with offices in New York.

In 1855 the Vermont legislature appointed a committee to be in charge of a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen in the Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington. John Norton Pomeroy was appointed chair and Marsh served with him. Larkin Goldsmith Mead was chosen to create a figure of Allen for the monument. Unable to raise the necessary funds, the project was not completed until 1873. Mead's statue was instead placed on the portico of the State House and another figure, by Boston sculptor Peter Stephenson, surmounted the granite base erected in Burlington.

The lawyer, John Norton Pomeroy, (1792-1881) was a lawyer and prominent resident of Burlington, Vermont. He held several position in Vermont state government and was named chairman of the Statuary Committee to oversee the construction of the monument placed over the grave of Ethan Allen in Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington.

Horace Greeley (1811-1872), founder and editor of the New York Tribune, was opposed to the severe Reconstruction measures of the Radical Republicans.

