Letter from JOHN NORTON POMEROY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated July 21, 1873.

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Burlington 21 July, 1873.

Hon. G. P. Marsh, Rome, Italy.

My dear Sir, I thank God that the problem of erecting a heroic Statue in marble to the memory of Ethan Allen has been solved, and I cannot but think that for this solution you will be most gratefully disposed. It is a complete success as you may readily conclude from a copy of the Burlington Free Press and Times of the 7 instant, containing an extended account of the celebration and inauguration which I sent you, and trust you have ere this received. Including the column, to which you gave its just proportions. I think it, as do others, the most elegant monument in New England It continues to please every body. As you did not send me anything to say at the inauguration, as I requested, I hope, if you cannot approve, you will charitably criticise what I say I wanted an adviser, and I find I want one more and more every day. What think you of the suggestion as to the use of the balance, which we may have on hand, which will amount to some three or four hundred dollars? This is more than I anticipated and more than will be [required?] to carry out the object suggested, in my remarks Please let me hear from you as to this matter. This balance would have been used for the iron enclosure around the monument, but for the appropriation of the Legislature of $500. for that purpose. I have waited some days for a photography of the whole scene, column, Statue and surroundings, but being disappointed must send you the best I have--two views of the Statue about to be raised.

With very kind and respectful regards from my wife and self to yourself & M Marsh, I remain very truly yours,

John N. Pomeroy.

References in this letter:

In 1855 the Vermont legislature appointed a committee to be in charge of a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen in the Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington. John Norton Pomeroy was appointed chair and Marsh served with him. Larkin Goldsmith Mead was chosen to create a figure of Allen for the monument. Unable to raise the necessary funds, the project was not completed until 1873. Mead's statue was instead placed on the portico of the State House and another figure, by Boston sculptor Peter Stephenson, surmounted the granite base erected in Burlington.

The lawyer, John Norton Pomeroy, (1792-1881) was a lawyer and prominent resident of Burlington, Vermont. He held several position in Vermont state government and was named chairman of the Statuary Committee to oversee the construction of the monument placed over the grave of Ethan Allen in Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington.

