Letter from WILLIAM GOODHUE SHAW to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated April 10, 1858.

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Publication InformationState of Vermont-Executive DepartmentBurington April 10 1858

Dear Sir,

I am directed by His Excellency, Governor Fletcher, to inform you, that you have been appointed by him a Member of the Committee to superintend the erection of a monument at the burial place of Ethan Allen, in conformity with the provisions of an Act, entitled "an Act providing for the erection of a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen," approved November 14, 1855.

You are appointed to fill the vacancy in said Committee occasioned by the resignation of Hon. Charles Adams.

I have the honor to be,very respectfully,Your obedient servant,W G. Shaw. Secretary of Civil & Military Affairs

Hon. Geo. P. Marsh



References in this letter:

Governor Ryland Fletcher, (1799-1885), was born in Cavendish, Vermont. He was the first distinctly Republican Governor of the state of Vermont, and was active in the anti-slavery movement. On January 6, 1857, during his administration, the State House in Montpelier was destroyed by fire, and he appointed a committee to oversee the reconstruction.

Ethan Allen, (1737/38-1789), is considered, with Ira Allen and Thomas Chittenden, one of the founding fathers of the state of Vermont. As a commander of the Green Mountain Boys, a local militia, outlawed in New York, Allen was a considerable force in the defense of the newly formed state against the British.

Charles Adams, (1785-1861), was a Vermont State's Attorney and a probate judge.

William G. Shaw, (1831-1892), was the Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs under Governor Ryland Fletcher.

