Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, dated March 30, 1861.

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Publication InformationBurlington Mch 30 61

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My dear Sir

I am glad to [learn?] by your letter of Mch 28, that you are willing still to keep an eye to the Secretaryship of the mission to Italy, in case of a vacancy.

The matter shall be entirely confidential with me, and I will give you the earliest possible notice, if there should be a prospect of an opening.

If, in the mean time, I can do anything for you, or Lowell or Child, or

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any other lover of "bokes," I shall always be at the service of each and all of you.

Mrs Marsh joins me in the kindest regards to your mother & sisters as well as yourself

G. P. MarshC E Norton Esq

References in this letter:

James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), poet, critic, and professor at Harvard, was editor of the Atlantic Monthly 1857-1861.

Francis James Child (1825-1896), philologist and professor at Harvard, was an authority on the ballad.

