Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, dated January 7 1867.

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Publication InformationFlorenceJany 7 67

Dear Sir

I wrote you a fortnight ago to say that I had an article for the N.A. Review on the Origin of the Italian Language nearly ready. It was finished two or three days after. I kept it back till today hoping for a private opportunity to send the Ms to Paris, but none offering, I forward it today via Washington. If it should not be received soon, please write to Abbott, if still in the State Dept. or some other person, to look it up. As my former letter may have miscarried, I repeat that for the present I do not wish to be known as the author. I could not of course arrange the headingof the pp. Please supply the want.

Mrs M joins me in New Year's compliments to yourself & family Yours trulyC E Norton EsqG P Marsh

References in this letter:

Marsh's "The Origin of the Italian Language," a 42-page review of Cesare Cantu's Sull' origine della lingua italiana, 1865, and other works, appeared in the North American Review for July 1867.

Publication Information

Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, dated January 7 1867, electronically published by The University of Vermont, with funding by The Woodstock Foundation, Woodstock, Vermont, as part of a project managed by Elizabeth H. Dow, with Ellen Mazur Thomson as the Project Archivist, and a generous donation of time and expertise by Ralph H. Orth, Professor Emeritus at the University of Vermont, as transcriber and consultant. Ralph H. Orth transcribed the text which William Hicks and Al Hester, under the supervision of Cheryl Morrison, encoded using the Model Editions Partnership SGML tag set through a program developed for the project by James P. Tranowski. This document, file gpmcen670107, is copyrighted by the University.

The original document, from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, is located at the Houghton Library, Harvard University in the Norton Papers, number 4647. Return to the top of the letter

