Charles F. Bancroft to Family

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Camp AdvanceNear Chain BridgeOct. 6th 1861Dear Folks at Home

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This evening I take my pen again to write you a few lines as I suppose you like to hear from me & I would loudly hint that a letter from some of my folks would be accept- able for I have not heard since I left L.I. Sound a word from you & it seems rather hard to wait so long when all the rest of the boys in our Co are geting letters every day. It has been a fortnight to day since I write you received your letter & I do hope you will write me soon. If you were here you would not blame me for feeling rather down at not geting a thing from at home, & I hope you will act on my hint without delay for I am feeling a little neglected. I have no news to write of any consequence you get more in Vt. than we do here but it is my candid opinion that it is not all exactly true. The people up there think that soon a great battle will be fought in Va. & are no doubt waiting in a perfect fever to here the news by the next mail but they had better keep cool for we are in no hurry here

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& I should not be surprised if the greatest aggressive movements were further south but I cant say this for a certainty it is only a matter of opinion with me. we small folks do not know what is going to be done and only guess at things I have understood that the 6th Regt is now or is going into encampment at Montpelier soon & I wish you if you know anybody that is in that Regt would hunt him up & send my stuff out by him that is if he is trusty & I know him. Probably you got my letter written at Washington some time ago & after we got our pay last sunday I wrote a letter & enclosed $15 & sent by express by Paddock our paymaster & gives a receipt for it too so it is safer than if sent by mail, & in the letter I specified what I wanted, & fearing that you may not get the letter so soon as you do this I tell again what I want. My flannel drawers what stockings you can send 1 or 2 pairs, a good cheese & a piece of sage also a supply of paper & envelopes as they are very high here, a bottle of that ink that I made before I left home, some maple sugar or some of Nancies maple

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honey a box of Ayers Pills & a small pair of scissors my white handled jacknife one of my Brittania spoons, & what notions you may have a mind to as you can pack most any thing a good loaf of Brown or wheat bread would go first rate & some cookies & I would like a little currant jelly or Preserves, & an apple Pie could be sent the stuff which has been sent has been about 3 day in coming & many things which you think could not be sent can be I would like some apples if you can get them, & my old fife book but do not want my fife as I have got one from the Quarter Master. Perhaps the Regt will not be coming to join us here soon & I do not know but after all it would be best to send by express as I should get the things quickest especially if you [send] articles of a perishable nature & finally I want my black Cotin vest but think I shall not want my flannel shirts as we have got some pretty good ones & I cannot have too much but our drawers are short if you get my letter that has got the money in it before you send put in all the things therein named

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except the shirts. I was on gard duty last Friday from 9A.M. until 9 yestday morning & was taken in the night with a headache & indications of a fever & have been excused from duty ever since but have got medicine from the surgeon & am now quite well it was one of my bilious turns. I think that the climate and change of diet makes me unwell & that I shall be all right soon.

Monday morning

I am well this morning & can do duty to day but I shall look out for No 1 you may be certain & shall be just as easy about the work as possible for I am not at work at home let me know all how times are in Vt and how you get a long with the work & how the wheat & corn is & potatoes I want you to find out how matters must be fixed to have you draw the $7 per month so that you can have it & take measures to have it done soon I wish you would send me a late Palladium once in awhile & I will return them I suppose you are digging potatoes & the ground is frozen nights, here it warm as in haying time and the leaves have not begun to fall yet. I understand that the boys in Cabot have enlisted into the cavalry write me when you get the money perhaps Mr. Paddock will go to the Legislature & send it home by [     ] procedure as he spoke about it & perhaps you had better see [Town] & have him get it to you soon as possible. couldn’t you send me a few good mealy potatoes Perhaps you had better send by express if you think that it would be some time in reaching me by the other conveyance that I mention for I hear some rumours that we are going to be attached to Genl Butlers New England Brigade for special service but do not know how true it is. Father I have thought some that you might come out here with some of the next Regts, but if you want to [     ] see the Gov & get recruiting papers & get an order from him to have

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me discharged & get a substitute in my place Come on as you would get more pay than I can & I can do better on the farm than anyone to whom you could let the farm or if you could get a Lieutenantcy it would be doing well we have got good material for soldiers here but some fools for officers are you doing any thing on the road this fall. how does the horse look & is Clara at home. until soon

C. F. Bancroft

