Diary of Horace Barlow

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Horace Barlow
Sigma Phi

Please to send this book to Edward Barlow, Burlington, Vermont, if anythinghappens to Horace Barlow.

Partial Chronological Table. Enlistment Aug 18th 1862 Company Elections " 23rd " Left Home Sept 25 " Mustered into U.S. Service Oct 4. " Left Brattleboro " 7 " Arrived at Washington " 9 " Went to Capitol Hill 20 days " 10 " " " Camp Seward 2 " " 30 " " " Hunting Creek bridge 1 day Nov 1 " " " Camp Vermont 5 wks & 5 days. Nov 2 " " " " Fairfax 5 " & 4 " Dec 12 " " " W.R. Shoals 14 " & 4 " Jan 20 1863 " " Camp 3 miles below Warrenton Junct 5 " May 2 " " " Rappahannock Station 7 days " 7 " " " " 1½ mile N of " " 4 " " 14 " " " " at Bristow Station 9 " " 18 " " " " " Union Mills 3 weeks 4 days " 27 " " " " " Wolf Run Shoals 4 days June 21 " Left " " " " 25 " Arrived in Brattleboro' Vt July 9th 1863 Home to Burlington " 10th 1863

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August 18th 1862. H. Barlow enlisted.

" 23rd 1862 Company elections

September 1st. Rations commenced.

" 5th & 6thCompany inspected by Dr. Knox.

Sept. 25. at 8.45 A.M. " left Burlington, & arrived in Brattleboro' about 4 o'clock. P.M. After drawing blankets & getting supper, (which was very fair, vis corned beef. bread & butter & Coffee) I, among others, was detailed as guard. I was on the third releif & was on from 11 till one & from 5 till seven. Then as a guard was wanted, after breakfast, which was like supper, with addition of potatoes & gravy, we volunteered at 8.45 & wereon till 10.45, when we were relieved for the day. I stayed in the guard house, when off guard, & slept from 1½ till 4½. It was awfully dusty in the streets in B. & the fog in the night very thick & mean. Altogether I don't like Brattleboro. Our journey was a perfect ovation; everybody was out & waving their handkerchiefs.

Sept. 26. No company drills. Very quiet after being relieved from guard. Dress Parade to-night for the first time.

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Sept 27. Detailed for police. Worked about an hour with a pick-ax. At Dress parade the following orders were read. Reveillee at 5½A.M. Breakfast at 7. Company drills from 9 till 11 V from 2 till 4. Dinner at 1.P.M. Supper at 5. Dress parade at 6. Tattoo at 9 Taps at 9.10 P.M. -------. Also that we are Co C. This last was quite a disappointment to me, for I hoped we should be Co A. however I think we shall survive.

Sunday. Sept 28. Company drills omitted. Moved quarters after breakfast & battened my corner. P.M. went with Sergt Thompson &c down to Church in a very heavy rain. The less said about the sermon the better. On the whole, to-day has been a day of hard work, yet I feel in the best of spirits.

Monday Sept 29. All the Co & in fact all the Reg. turned out & policed the grounds, i.e. dug up all the stones & picked up all on the surface & leveled off inequalities. This took about two hours. After dinner we had

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a little drill. Dress Parade as usual in the evening.

Tuesday 30. To-day is Edward's Birthday. Nothing occurred to-day to mark it, except that at night we commenced to cook our own rations as a Co. Now we are free from those offensive mess-rooms where every meal lately grew worse & worse.

Wednesday Oct 1. This morning, though it was raining, I got leave to go down town; & under my rubber blanket & glazed cap, (which, by the way, came last night together with other things & a box of eatables, grapes, plums, apples, cakes, turnovers, &c&c, which delight the heart & smooth the asperities of our present diet.) I passed along the streets as unconcernedly & as dry, as though the sun had shone brightly & no cloud was to be seen. The town is a very pretty one, as far as grounds are concerned & very neat indeed. Some of the houses are fine & elegant, but for the most part are patchwork & show that they are

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made from old houses, & show their inability to conceal their imperfections. I had a very pleasant walk & returned to camp feeling better for a change in scene & a walk among the civilized portions of the earth. Another bundle from home (Maplesugar) by Capt Thatcher.

Thursday 2nd. On guard & it is a wet, disagreeable day; yet I had a good "beat" & got along very well. I was out but two hours during the night.

Friday 3rd Got off of guard this A.M. after standing on parade about 1½ hours. In P.M. We had Battallion drill, under our knapsacks (packed) & it was the heaviest load I have carried for many a day, perhaps ever; A few fell out unable to support themselves. It alters my plan, in reference to carrying things; I shall cut down my baggage to the barest necessaries of life. This is an actual, positive, necessity.

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Saturday 4. At 9.45 A.M. We were reviewed by the Gov. Gen. Stoughton & State Military officers (underourknapsacks.) I got myself detailed with others for a guard & so had a very much easier time, for after a little time I laid off my knapsack. At 2. P.M. We were mustered into the U.S. service by Major Austine & now we serve the Goverment direct.

Sunday 5. Nothing in particular to-day, except a service by our Chaplain Rev. Mr. Barstow of St. Johnsbury.

Monday 6. As usual, but we understand that we are to start to-morrow for the South.

Tuesday 7. I am on guard to-day. Reg. paraded & marched at 11½ A.M. for down town. Did not leave till 8.55 P.M. Rather tired of Waiting, & was on guard from 11 till 8.55 without relief.

Wednesday 8. Arrived at New Haven at 3.45 A.M. & Will Johnson went with us to New York. Left at 5. on the "Continental" for New. York. &

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arrived there at 11½. or rather at Jersey City. Here we had a grand stew for dinner. Saw the "Great Eastern" on the way down. Left at 1, & arrived at Philadelphia at 7 o'clock. No incidents on the journey. For recollections of country & scene, recall memory. At Phila'da we had a good meal at the "Cooper Shop" & O! the Ladies on the way to the other depot! Philadelphia forever!!!! Left P. at 11½ P.M.

Thursday 9. at 6 A.M. arrived at the dirty, traitorous city of Baltimore. Here we waited till after 9 for breakfast. Charitable, but slow & poor. Some little sport, but rather tired & hot. Left at 2 P.M. & arrived at Washington, at 9. P.M. having made a very slow passage indeed. General Remarks. Our journey, on the whole, to me was a pleasant one. It was through a section of our Country which was new to me, & I am fond of travelling. Though there was no great comfort, yet I

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got sufficient sleep to enable me to feel well & enjoy every new scene presented. From Brattleboro to New Haven the journey was in the night, but at the same time, one of the most beautiful of moon shiny nights & for a little distance on either side we could distinguish objects with considerable distinctness. Nothing could be more pleasant that the ride on the Sound. Sun & wind combined to render it one of refreshment & comfort, & the views on the shores, the fine residences, grounds and public buildings, the view of New York, & the shipping, to me, at least, were a source of considerable pleasure. The "Great Eastern" steamboat, an ocean [dith], & a French man-of-war, ferry boats & ships without number were in full view. Through N.J. to Phila the prospect was fine & we enjoyed it as much as though on a trip simply for pleasure. From Baltimore to Washington armed men were visible at every point guarding the railroad & every Junction. At the depot at W. we went into barracks & remained until the next morning.

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Our food at night & at breakfast consisted of a piece of bacon on a slice of bread & a cup of poor coffee. Not very palateable even to hungry soldiers, but just passable.

Friday 10th At 11½ A.M. (After having been up town & over most of the North wing of the Capitol) the reg. marched to East Capitol Hill, about a mile from the Capitol & there encamped. It is a pleasant, level, place, & very hard, but rather dirty for a camp, as it is not upon turf, yet we manage to keep it pretty neat. We were supplied with "shelter tents" for the night & they are lovely things for shelter. During the night the wind shifted & it rained & we were wet considerably, but we got up & shifted the rubber blanket to the other end & so passed the night in comparative comfort. The next morning Sat. 11. we were supplied with A tents & Baxter & myself joined in with Catlin & C.O. French, Chas Thatcher & Chas Cutting & are now living in Peace & comfort; (subject to all legitimate orders)

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We are brigaded with the 25th & 27th New Jersey & the 13th Vermont under the command of Col Derrom of the 25th. As for our own Field officers, I am entirely suited. The Col. seems a thoroughly soldierly man & a fine officer & he commands with all due grace, presenting a fine appearance both in his own person & on horseback. The Lieut. Col & Major also appear to be fine men, though less conversant with their present business. The Staff officers, I know less about, though I judge they, too, are as good as any. Without doubt we are the best reg. that has or will leave Vermont in this war, & I hope we shall become well drilled & so do honor to our State & credit to ourselves. The line officers, or many of them, at least, are greener that distilled essence of green grass, & are very slow in learning their duties & position. I have no hesitation in pronouncing our Capt. Page as the best of all, & our 2nd Lieut Loomis as presenting the best appearance

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upon parade & second to none as an officer.

Sunday 12th Inspection in A.M. but no service by the Chaplain. Employed the day in reading & in writing letters, chiefly. Dress Parade as usual at night. We are under the command of Brig-Gen S. Casey commanding the defenses about Washington, & the reserve corps. So we know what we are. Judging from present appearances, we may remain somewhere near here for the present, at least, perhaps for the Winter. Perhaps it is as well as though we were on the front.

Monday 13th Nothing, except the regular duties of the camp to-day. Battallion drill in P.M. Catlin French & myself went to the city to-day on a pass, & tried to see part of it.

Tuesday 14th I am "on guard" for the fourth time, & it is a passable day, cloudy, now & then a slight sprinkle, but far better than though it was hot & sunny. Had a good beat & got thro' the business in good shape. Glad to have the task over however.

Wednesday 15th Review by Col Commanding, which I escaped, by reason of being "old guard", & as it was a knapsackdrill, as we call them, I did not mourn over the fate that kept me at home.

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No dress parade as it was so late when the Reg. returned from review.

Thursday 16th Grand review of this brigade by Brig-Gen Casey at M. We wore knapsacks again & though it was pretty hot, we did not suffer, for we are getting somewhat used to our customary load upon our shoulders. Gen Casey is an old man with very grey hair, & rides a grey horse which seems just adopted to his master. Of course he was surrounded or rather attended by the usual staff. He expressed himself very much pleased with our appearance.

I was on Police to-day.

Friday 17th As our Colonel was not exactly suited with our battallion movements yesterday we had Battallion drills A.M. & P.M. We learned much I think, for we were fresh & in good spirits. Dress Parade as usual.

Saturday 18th Grand Parade of Gen Casey's Division to-day. Six regiments & the Keystone & 11th Mass batteries were comprised in it. Major Gen Banks was also present & we received all due praise. Our quarters

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are held up as models for the other reg'ts. as being the most neat & well ordered. The 12th & 13th Vt. the 25th & 27th New Jersey the 15th Conn & the 146th New York comprised the six reg'ts & we were said to present a better appearance & to march better than any except the 15th Conn & they have been in camp for 3 mos & so ought to do much better. The Generals paid us the compliment of praising our soldierly bearing & expressing themselves perfectly satisfied with us. We escorted Gen Casey to his head-quarters marching to the Capitol, then down Penn Avenue to 14th St & down towards the Potomac about a mile. Then home again, & altogether six or seven miles. As we had no knapsacks to carry, I, for one, was not fatigued, but stood it well & my feet were not rendered sore in the slightest degree. Apparently these reviews come about every day. Dress Parade as usual.

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By some unhappy chance, to-day, I broke my watch-crystal, which I bought, before going to Mass. over 3 years ago, Sept 29th 1859. I was sorry for this, as I had acquired a liking for it, from the associations of that journey & because I had carried it so long.

Sunday Oct 19th 1862. Our second Sunday in this camp & we are living in perfect health and comfort; in more comfort, in fact, than I had supposed possible, in tents in the field & our fare is as good as one could desire, (speaking comparatively] & the day is one of beauty & quiet. No inspection to-day, so we are quiet. Voluntary service at 10½ A.M. which few attended & not I. Service positive for Brigade at 3 P.M. To go out into the dirt & dust & stand for an hour to listen to a church service is not what it is supposed to be when one has not tried it.

Monday Oct 20. I am on guard to-day & have beat N0 1. During the day I stood it very well, but in the night I was very tired.

Tuesday Oct 21. This morning can hardly stand; have a high fever & headache. Indigestion, I think is the cause of it. All day laying down in my tent &

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suffering much. So unwell was I, that I sent word to the guard-house that I was too sick to return. In P.M. began to take H medicine, but with no especial benefit.

Wednesday Oct 22. This morning I find myself a little better, though the primary cause is not yet removed. I eat scarcely anything & so expect to starve out the disease. I have become better & better all day, yet am pretty weak & far from well. Wrote home to-day, though it was rather a hard task, but I had not written for a week & a half; & I knew they would be anxious.

Thursday Oct 23. Still better but weak as a child & yet off duty from necissity. I eat lightly & so intend to ease myself as much as possible. Yesterday we had fresh beef for the 1st time in Camp & though it was boiled, it relieved salt [Junk] for a season, & afforded a salve for our

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tongues which are a little sore from the application of so much salt. To-day & indeed every Thursday, we have a Brigade Drill, at 10½ A.M. Almost every day or evening George Wheeler comes over & makes us a visit. When we are on duty, we are quite busy all day, but in the evening we indulge in Whist, Euchre &c&c, having only to turn out to roll calls at "retreat" & "tatoo". One is a great plenty, but the powers that be think otherwise.

Friday Oct 24. This A.M. have a headache, but much better in P.M. Still off duty, & most of the time laying in my tent. The rest have their customary work. The days seem long when one has nothing to do, but then there is not the slightest tinge of any feeling of homesickness. I intend to go on duty to-morrow, & if I have to lay off again, so be it, but I think not.

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Saturday Oct 25. To-day I go on my regular duty, because I am on guard, & noone shall say that I played sick. Another review by Gen Casey to-day, & of course, he took the regiment through the inevitable mud-hole on East-Capitol St. I was not out.

Sunday 26th Commenced to rain this morn. & continued to rain very hard all day & night & so all services &c&c, were, from necessity, omitted. We were quite confortable in our tent through the day.

Monday 27th Raining this morning & water commenced to enter into the tent as the gutters became stopped up; it was not on my side however, so I was dry & warm. Stopped raining about 9 o'clock & when we looked out upon our parade ground we saw a lake, of no mean size & in the deepest portions 1 ½ ft in depth. No drills on account of mud. To-night news came that all Vt 9 mos troops

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are to be brigaded together, under the command of our Col Blunt. Co C went down at evening & cheered him & he came out & made a splendid speech, saying that he was appointed to the command only because he was senior Col & that it was only temporary; that he was proud to command the best Reg. Vt. had or would send out from her boundaries, & it was sufficient honor; that he should still be with us & look out for us & see to our own personal comfort & many other things which went to the heart of every true soldier & showed him to be a Col fit to command the Vt. 12th

Tuesday 28th All drills as usual, though our lake still maintains magnificent proportions. One thing, I believe I have not mentioned as yet which deserves due notice. Opposite Co A there are 20 long buildings enclosed & several more are in process of construction, which are designed

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for hospital purposes. As near as I can judge, & my estimate is small enough, they are most of them 200 by 50 ft. & they are all together, i.e. very near together, as near as possible for ventilation.

Wednesday Oct. 29th Today drills as usual. Got 108 ft boards at $25.00 & raised up & floored our tent & it is splendid; so much more roomy & comfortable. We finished it for the night (although we had to make some more [pins] &c the next morn) after dress-parade & had just put our things in, when Chas Cutting came in & said not to say anything to anybody else, but we were ordered into Virginia, how soon he did not know, but he thought the next morning. Here we were, just having fixed up & were now enjoying life, when orders came. In about a half an hour Capt Page came to our tent & said we were ordered to be ready to march from Camp Casey at 7½ the next morning. George Wheeler was over & made a parting call. We went to bed in doubt

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"long" "bridge".

This evening G.H. Collamer, of Shelburne, died, at one of the city Hospitals. He is the first one of Co. C. His disease was disentery, though the Physicians say he was poisoned & it assumed that form in its working.

as to our future, though it was rumored that we were to go beyond

Thursday Oct 30. Arose early & packed our knapsacks, took down our tent & piled our boards, marking them with our own private mark, as we cherished a hope that they might follow us at some future time. At the hour designated, we marched over to the Capitol, down Penn Av. off by Gen Casey's head-quarters, across "long-bridge", by Fort Albany & many regiments in camp, to the noted "Arlington Place", the former residence of Major-Gen Robert E. Lee of the C.S.A, & there encamped. We were in sight of "Arlington House" at one time on our march, but our camp is about two miles off & hidden from it, by many woods. It is a nice place for a camp, just at the edge of a noble piece of woods & amidst a growth of underbrush, but when properly policed, will be one of the cleanest

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& most picturesque possible. A large spring & a brook flowing from it, complete the advantages, of this position, affording the best of water in abundance. As near as I can estimate, We marched between 7 & 8 miles. The march was not very tiresome, for we rested twice. The day was magnificent, but still rather warm for a journey. Since we have entered upon the "sacred soil" of Old Virginia, the desolation & havoc of war (if not also of slavery) is manifest. Hundreds of acres of cleared land, apparently arable & susceptible of high cultivation, though perhaps now somewhat worn out by the system of culture to which it has been sub-jected, lie open; no fence anywhere to be seen, except now & then a short one directly in front of some house, (& this would not extend on the sides) & all

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looking deserted, except by the many camps, which every where dot its surface. On meadows, on plowed land, & once, too, in a fine peach orchard; everywhere armed men are posted, & on the summits of many hills are fortifications, bristling with cannon. The few houses which are seen, resemble the remains of a former age, like my idea of Italian decay, except on a smaller scale. Forests of noble trees, for the most part of hard wood are scattered throughout the country in profusion & at this season, are colored by the Autumnal frosts & present the most beautiful of tints, but are a reminder together with the cold nights, of the approach of Winter. In this climate, so different from that of Vermont, Autumn seems to struggle, aided by the sun, to delay the approach of Winter. Almost every day, the sun shines

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with a Vt. July's heat & comfort is found in the shade, but at nightfall when the sun has finished his daily work for us, the cold of home October nights creeps upon us. Whenever it has rained, it has poured, but perhaps this is a peculiarity of this season, rather than of the climate.

Friday Oct 31. To-day we are policing & righting things generally. No drills. Toward night our boards came & we laid down the floor & so enjoyed another nice nights' sleep. At Dress Parade, an order was read, that we were to go over to Fort Albany to a grand review the next day. In speaking of yesterday's march, I forgot to say that the whole five regts. in our brigade moved together, & we recd compliments on all sides, as presenting the best body of men which had passed down Penn avenue

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since the war commenced.

Saturday November 1st 1862. A royal day for any month, warm & sunny. I am on guard for the seventh time, am detailed as the "orderly" for the "Officer of the day" Capt Sandon Co. K. At the time appointed the regt marched off towards Fort Albany, but in about half an hour, back they came, & we were ordered to pack up & march to a camp beyond Hunting Creek, below Alexandria. I, on my duty, was in the rear with the Officer of the day. We, with a part if the wagon train became separated from the Regt. by the passage of the N. Hampshire 13th & so took up our own line of march. We passed through the yard of "Fairfax Seminary" & so had a fine view of it. I cannot describe it, except that it had a tall spire & a distance presented a fine appearance. At present it is occupied as a government hospital.

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At last, about 8 o'clock, we reached the encampment of the 12th & 13th, (which were all that moved to-day) as the Major came out to us & piloted us in. It seemed that the Regt. took the wrong road & went around through Alexandria, about 3 miles out of the way, while we kept the direct road. My knapsack had been upon one of the wagons all day & so I had a very easy time, & at night went to bed as usual & had a good sleep, although in a shelter tent, with Catlin & French. Everywhere, marks of war, & Regts in camp & moving. A large force has gone to-day, towards Centreville & we are going to take some of their places. Some say 20,000 men, Infantry & Artillery have moved; Gen Sickels & his whole brigade composed a part of those who went on. We marched about 7 miles; the regt about 10. So much for not knowing the road.

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Sunday Nov. 2nd In camp just across Hunting Creek. As this was not the intended camp for us, we are to move again to-day. Bread alone, or bread & raw salt pork are becoming our proper & customary food. At 12 ½ P.M. we again took up our line of march, about 2 miles, to our destined position & here we stacked arms & unslung knapstacks. We were not allowed to "break ranks", but 4 Co's including C were ordered to take their blankets & overcoats & everything except knapsack, & go out on picketduty, & so it was. At last we, if not "onthefront", at least, are on the frontier, as we are the outside line of pickets. I got to my post about 5 o'clock, had supper &c. At 7.50 my two comrades went to bed & I guarded till 12. M. Then they took 3 hours a piece & so I slept till 6 the next morning. Not much like Sunday, I must confess, but war changes all things & of course, we expect to do what comes in our way.

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Monday 3rd Picket duty, where there is no more danger than on this line, is rather pleasant than otherwise. We had, or rather, there were on the post a dish to fry in & another to boil in & we cooked our pork & baked & boiled some potatoes & so enjoyed ourselves much. We were relieved when our 24 hours were over, & went back to camp. Here we put up our A tents, which had just come & made ourselves as comfortable as possible. Our orders on Picket were, to allow no-one to pass without a pass or authority, & at night if anyone should skulk around & not obey our orders, to fire at them. This was necessary to protect ourselves. However nothing occurred & we discharged our pieces at a stump, on our way home.

Tuesday 4th To-day closes the 1st month of service. As we came in from picket yesterday, nothing has been required of us, except to appear on

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dress-parade, which was no great task. Except one at Camp Seward, this is the only one since we left Camp Casey. However we did police our narrow company street & fix up things generally, as we had only time to "stick" up our tents the night before.

Wednesday 5th Ordered to be ready at 11.15 A.M. to go & be reviewed by Gen. Casey. (that tireless, indefatigable, troublesome one.) So we marched (the Brigade) down to the shore of the Potomac or very near to it, below the mouth of hunting Creek & there the grand humbug came off. Then we returned. No dress-parade. We are ordered to cut timber & build Huts, preparatory to going into Winter quarters. This is no criterion however, for we may move half a dozen times yet, & no steps are being taken to cut the timber.

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Thursday 6th This morning, greatly to our surprise, we were ordered out on a "fatigue" expedition, which we found to consist of digging & throwing up an entrenchment about a fort about ¾ of a mile from our Camp. It bids fair to be a very large fort & almost impregnable, that is, for an earth work. But as for fun, if anybody can find any sport in picking dirt as hard as "hard-pan" & then throwing it out on a short-handled-shovel from a ditch varying from 6 to 7 ft deep (& about 9 ft wide) & then leveling it a grade higher & pounding it down with a heavy pounder, in a cold, raw, windy, day, he is the one who is constituted differently from me. Snowing when we returned slightly. No dress-parade. They are entirely played out. Other things take the places of drills &c

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Friday Nov 7th Snowing & blowing most of the day & cold as charity. We went on the "fatigue" though it was such a bad day. We worked verylittle however, & the Engineer telegraphed to Washington for permission to dismiss us, for he said they ought not to have sent us out. Being answered affirmatively he dismissed us, after we had worked about an hour. Never were men more glad to see a comfortable tent than we & they were occupied the rest of the day. About 5 inches of snow fell & all but Catlin & myself deserted the "shanty" at night, as being too cold, but we stayed & managed to keep dry & warm. Cut my finger in evening, carelessly. The people about here, say that last Winter there fell no such amount of snow at any one time. The weather could not have been much colder in Vermont. It was November weather for most any climate.

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Saturday Nov 8th Did not go on the "dig" to-day, on account of my finger, but lay in my tent & did little or nothing. Snow not yet entirely gone though the Sun has shone most of the day.

Sunday Nov 9th Still off duty. Knapsack inspection in Co. Street. Service at 2 P.M.

Monday 10th On guard for the 8th time. Detailed as the "orderly" of the officer-of-the-day, Capt Ormsbee, & so had a very easy, agreeable time & nothing to do. Invitation out to tea.

Tuesday 11th Old guard & so have nothing to do. Dress Parade to-night for a rarity.

Wednesday 12th On police & was engaged in all the dirty jobs imaginable. But then I had considerable leisure.

Thursday 13th On Fatigue at the Forts. Did not overwork myself, for digging does not perfectly agree with my

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constitution, or, at least, I do not admire to "play" "Paddy on the railroad", too often for the round sum of twenty dollars a month & "found". BoxesCameto-night. & if a few poor soldiers were not delighted, I am much mistaken. I recd 14¾ lbs Butter, a box of Currant Jelly, a loaf of Cake & last but by no means least, a "brick" of maplesugar. How everything went to the soft spot in ones heart, I need not describe, or how each reminded me of Home & friends, or how good each tasted There is no need of description. Memory will retain the delights of them & the associations awakened, until time may have effaced these pencil marks. Description by a pencil would fall far short of expressing the joys of the occasion.

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Friday 14th This morning, I enjoyed a little leisure for a wonder. In the afternoon, we had the first drill of any kind whatsoever, since leaving Capitol Hill. We had a battallion drill, Col Blunt, Commanding. At night, Chas Thatcher came & brought me Mittens, letters, &c&c. So my wardrobe & larder are, () complete. Dress Parade to-night also.

Saturday 15th Our turn has come to go out on "picquet". 5 Co's go in all. The majority of our Co happened to be on one of the reserves & we had very nice quarters on the summit of a hill, in the edge of some woods, in some neat [bowers] already constructed. All day 46 of us had nothing to do (except one or two who kept watch on the road) & I, for one, had as good a nights rest as one could desire, & was bright & fresh in the morning.

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Sunday Nov 16th This morning the reserve took the picket posts & those keeping them the night before, acted as reserve. During the day we had a sufficiently easy time, but as there were only two of us (Baxter) on a post, & the orders were for one, at least to keep gun in hand constantly it was slightly tiresome. We were posted in an open field without any shelter overhead & only a slight one to keep the wind off on one side, & both were obliged (by orders) to sit up most of the night. We kept a small fire all night & walked our beat only when we grew sleepy & we needed rails to replenish our fire. our beat was about 30 rods long & it was about forty to the next post beyond. We sat in the light of the fire which was dangerous, if there had been any rebels about, but as

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it rained more or less in the night (slightly) we concluded to hazard the danger & so keep warm. We got wet but very little & were not uncomfortable except being very sleepy. Baxter laid down about 4 o'clock & slept ¾ of an hour & then I laid down & slept about the same length of time. We were sleepy enough. We burnt from a neighboring fence, 15 rails in all. The picket line had been changed & so all the posts were new to us.

Monday 17th Got home (as I call our old A tent) about noon, & though I required rest, I thought I must write home to acknowledge all my gifts & luxuries, which I had not yet had time to do. So I did & laid around till my usual time for going to bed. Undress parade to-night. Even the loss of one night's rest uses me up very much indeed, for the time being.

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Tuesday 18th On Fatigue at the old detested forts. Sprinkling some during A.M. & commenced to rain so we were obliged to return to camp about the middle of the afternoon. C.O. F. somewhat unwell. Tents moved to the front this A.M. that there might be room to commence our log houses. Even the little rain that we have had has made a great deal of mud. I have a diarrea, I find, since I returned from work.

Wednesday 19th Have been obliged to go out twice in the night in the mud. This morning at 5 minutes after 5 o'clock. William Spaulding died in the hospital, of Congestion of the Lungs & Cramp. He had been unwell for some time & in the Hospital, but had got slightly better & was returned to duty, (too quickly I think) & was

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put on the very lightest duty. But night before last became worse. It is very sad to die, wasting away in camp; one feels the necessity, the possibility of falling in battle, but in comparatively comfortable quarters, it seems hard to die, away from friends & home. But death must come to all, & happy are we if we can pass away in peace, trusting in God's love & mercy. It admonishes us with still louder voice, "to be ready, for the hour cometh, which no man knoweth", & death may come to any of us, unbidden & perchance we be not ready. Spaulding was one of the finestlooking boys in the regiment & a good one & his loss will be deeply felt in our Co. as he was a social, obliging, dutiful soldier. This is the second death in the Co. & two months have not yet elapsed since we left Burlington.

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Weather is quite warm, though it is cloudy & rainy in morning. In the afternoon we worked on our log-houses. The method is to stockade to the height of 6 or 7 feet & then roof &c&c. We commenced the stockading & progressed pretty well for the time we were at work & the tools at hand. Rainy in evening. No dress parade.

Thursday 20th A soft Spring-like morning in May, warm & delightful. Raining in morning. The Brigade is ordered to "Fort Albany" (near long bridge) to a review. Mud is awful deep & sticks like a brother, as it rained most all night. We put our pants in our boots & away we went down through Alexandria, & there, accordingtoourexpectations, an order met us on the road to return, as the review was given up. So back we went, I never felt better

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than in the morning, but I confess with slipping in the mud, & pulling my boots out of it, (it has alarming consistency) I got somewhat fatigued. Our Col, with his usual care, immediately ordered a ration of Whiskey to be dealt out to the Reg, but very unfortunately the Quartermaster's supply was out, so we have to depend upon the usual rations for recuperation. Some hard showers in P.M.

Friday Nov 21st This morning as the 15th & 16th are under "marching orders", our turn came to go out on picket & off we went in a rainstorm. We remained on the old line, & acted as the support & occupied ourselves in putting up a shelter. The rain stopped & it cleared off before noon, so we were pretty comfortable having a good fire & good company.

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Saturday 22nd Still on the support till 3 o'clock, when we went to take our place on the posts. I brought it about to the left with Catlin & a Lieut (of Co I.) & 2 other privates on the road & though we were obliged to keep awake every minute yet the night passed pretty quickly

Sunday 23rd About noon, got home from picket, tired as dogs. The loss of a nights sleep uses me up for the time being, completely. After dinner, while arranging some of my things, which I had thrown anywhere when I took them off, Some one came to the tent opening & I turned & went to untie the door, & O! wonder of wonders, & surprise of surprises, I saw my sister Ellen. Never was one much more than I. What her business & why she had come I could not conceive & it mattered

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not. I enjoyed her visit of about two hours, as any one who has experienced similar pleasure can testify. It seems that she & Mrs. Dr. Thayer had come as delegates to the Sanitary Commission at W. Mrs Thayer & Mrs. S.E. Chittenden accompanied her to our camp. Dress Parade after they left, & you may be sure I went to bed in goodspirits.

Monday 24th Resting in my tent this A.M. W. Loomis is acting adjutant Wing is unwell & the Capt is officer of the day & so on Battalion drill in P.M. the "orderly" led the Co. Dress Parade at 4 ½ P.M.

Tuesday 25. Got a pass to go to W. to see Ellen. Arrived in W. about 9.30 & at Mr. Chittendens about an hour later. Saw Ellen about twenty minutes & then she went off with Mrs Thayer & Dr Allen,

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to some Camp (sick or convalescent) or other & so I saw her no more. I was sorry, but on the whole, I had seen her & talked with her & so could ask no more. It left me to roam about the city alone, however, but I went to the "Patent office" & around generally & came home about 4 ½ having seen "enough". I have not been down-hearted in the least since I left home, & Ellen's visit far from making me long for home, only encouraged me to "do & act" that if it is written, I may return when my work is finished & then enjoy the satisfaction of having completed a work of no mean dimensions, but, on the contrary one demanding & requiring the largest display of self-sacrifice & the loss of every social pleasure for the time.

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I was detailed as one of the fatigue party at the fort, but happily my "pass" was in the way. After supper while in our tent, the order suddenly came to pack knapsacks immediately & be ready to march at a moment's notice. We packed in the greatest hurry & were all ready in about 10 minutes but as Col. Blunt was absent, in W. Col. Randall of the 13th had command & he went off towards "Bull's Run" with the 13th 14th & 15th in light marching order in the rain. So about 10 P.M. we went to bed & slept till morning. "Burke's Station"

Wednesday 26th Engaged all day in building our log houses. Last night it rained hard, but this morn is clear, & the wind has blown over for the present, but I do not think we shall remain

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here this winter. To me it is far more likely that we shall follow the other 3 regiments in a short time. But No one can tell. Dress Parade as (it is getting to be,) usual.

Thursday 27th Regiment went out on picket, but Baxter & Myself were left as guard. I was detailed as the Lieut-Col's orderly & so had a good time. Have a large boil on my right cheek.

Friday 28th At leisure all day. Madden & Millain on guard. In P.M. went over to the other camps & got materials & construct-ed a California stove & find it quite comfortable. Opened my 14 ¾ Can of Butter to-day & it is really splendid. It has kept perfectly sweet. No more details at the fort for the present, for we must work on the quarters.

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Saturday 29th Reg came in from "picket." All of us resting more or less & taking our "otium cum dignitate". Dress Parade, with usual fuss of escorting colors &c.

Sunday 30th Inspection at 9. A.M. as usual. Service as usual in P.M. Dress Parade as usual.

Monday Dec 1st Out on picket again to-day & on the right wing. 8 hours on & 16 off. had the second relief from 5 till 1. A.M. On a post with C.O. F. & Smith. Baxter unwell & not out. Comparatively comfortable weather, pleasant & not very cold though rather so.

Tuesday December 2nd & the days are very pleasant & fine, but the nights are pretty cold. Still on picket.

Wednesday 3rd Got letters from home saying that a lovely old box was on the road. Came in from picket & am not very tired; perhaps, less so

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than at any previous time. Except occurances on picket our life is very mo-notomous. While out this time, a drove of 400 mules (loose) went by, on their way to Falmouth Va; about 45 army wagons, some having 4 & some 6 mules to a team. Then to cap the climax, about 700 of the 10th New York Cavalry. So one can see that there is some travel on/by our line.

Thursday 4th Thanksgiving day in Vt. No duties to-day. Reading of Gov's proclamation & service at 10 o'clock A.M. At 9 A.M. the teams came up & our box was among the stuff, as it was sent on Friday. The freight sent on Saturday did not arrive till the next day. Everything came perfect & everything was just right & suited to our wants. We had the gayest old dinner & eat till we could eat no more. After resting a while, to recruit from the fatigues of dinner, we went out in front, in answer to the Col's invitation to meet

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the officers of the regiment socially. We guessed the joke & went out prepared to kick foot-ball & had some hard games & went back pretty tired. Dress-parade at night & whist in the evening. As far as my share of the box was concerned, everything that I ever particularly liked, or had an especial fondness for, was sent. I need not enumerate for all had a hand in it.

Friday 5th Went out on picket on the Mt. Vernon road. Commenced to rain some time before noon & soon after dinner turned to snow & snowed hard until 10 P.M. I was on the 2nd relief & so came on from 6 P.M. till 2 A.M. It was awfully cold & we were ordered to have no fire, but it was "fire" or freeze & we chose fire & though Grand rounds was out we were not reported. Got back to the reserve & slept warm until morning, large fires being left for us.

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Saturday 6th I forgot to say that just after it cleared up the moon shone very brightly & one could almost read by its light, but soon it began to grow dark & at first we were at a loss to conjecture the reason but soon discovered that an eclipse of the moon was in progress. It was total at 2 A.M. this morning, & remained so till 3 when it began to move off. Then I went to bed & so knew no more. This morning it is clear & cold. By a thermometer in camp it was 15° only, above zero. On again at 6 P.M. & found the little shelter we had had the night previous had been destroyed & though I built a fire, we would have frozen if it had not been for the next post where we went to get warm many times. There was a nice shelter there & a fire in it & so perfectly protected from the cold. I did not watch my beat for rebels, by any means.

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Sunday 7th Went home this morning cold & tired. Was glad to see our old "A" tent & a good fire. No service.

Gen Stoughton arrived, in all his glory, this morning.

Monday 8th As the other regs have returned, details for the fort commenced to-day. Working on the barracks some.

Battallion drill this P.M. & it is very cold. No dress Parade.

Tuesday 9th At work on the fort to-day.

Wednesday 10th Company & Battallion drill. Also at work on the Barracks. Presume Hon David French, here, to-day & Chas. went to W. we shall finish them by next Spring.

Thursday 11th As Gen Stoughton has altered the picket business so that we only stay out one day, our turn comes to-day. On the old right wing. On first relief & so on, from 9½ till 5½. Had a fire & were warm & nice. Got in & was thinking of the beautiful nights sleep, I should have, when,

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"O! horrors of war"! a messenger came to tell us to withdraw the picket & return to camp as we were ordered to leave at 5 the next morning for partsunknown. So back we went, & arrived at 9. Went to packing & finish-ed about 12 M. Went to bed pretty tired, thinking of our great sell on "sleep". As Chas. O. French has not returned from the City, we had to pack his things & give them to Chas. Cutting & Thatcher to care for.

Friday 12th Awakened at 3 A.M. to get ready. All ready & tent struck by 4½. Formed line about 5½ & moved, together with whole brigade at 5.55. We find we are to go to Fairfax C.H. The march, 17 miles long, was pretty hard. The ground in early morning was frozen stiffly & very rough & so very hard for feet. Towards noon some what muddy & so much better.

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We rested quite often, but got very tired. My feet stood the journey very well & & also my shoulders, but they ached when the knapsack was on, considerably. Stopped a mile beyond Fairfax C.H. & encamped in a pine wood on the right of the road. Arrivedat3.30 P.M.

Saturday 13th Laying in Camp most of the day & investigating surrounding country. Battallion Drill in P.M. to "limber" the joints of the men. Quantities of troops moving towards Fredericksburgh, perhaps12.000men, today, Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery. At F. C.H. they say that, together with Sigel's division which left here the day before we came, between 60 & 70.000 men have passed through, & these to-day, are in addition. Burnside will have men enough, I presume, to hold any position he may chose to occupy.

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Sunday December 14th Taking it easy all day. Church in P.M. but our tent was out on the Liesburgh pike to see Gen. Slocumb's 12th Army corps go by, on its way to Fredericksburgh.

Monday 15th Company & Battallion drill & dress Parade. Quiet in other respects. Still in our shelter tents & so pretty cold.

Tuesday 16th Drills as usual. Very Windy & rather uncomfortable in our S. tents. "A" tent arrived to-night.

Wednesday 17th On picket to-day on "Cub Run", about 3 miles beyond Centreville. We marched to C & about a mile beyond, about 8 miles in all & then 2 miles further to the line. Only one half the reg went out at once. We were on the extreme right, where a Brigade of Southern troops had built barracks the winter previous. Here numerous signs showed that the winter was spent in

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comfort & plenty. A little to the right of our line was an old mill built, as a stone "told", by "william lane Nov 11th 1791." The present owner is an old man of about 70 years, named Nestor Kincheloe". The mill has been sadly injured, in its internal arrangements, by the troops. Hoe cakes, nice, were bought at 10 cents apiece, & furnished a pleasant change from hard tack & pork. The nights, now, are very cold & no fires are allowed.

Thursday 18th Back to the temporary camp to-day & the left wing took our places. Very cold & only Sheltertents. Of course, we see the forts which crest the hills just in front of Centreville. They commanded the road for a long distance & the open area in front, & their fire must have been terrible to approaching troops. Centreville itself, is of no account whatever; a few houses & these decayed & lonely.

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Friday 19th Out again to-day in the same place as before, & with similar comfort.

Saturday 20th Instead of the left wing taking our places, there is a change of programme, & the 13th has come out & we return to Fairfax C.H. Our camp, here, is in a narrow belt of woods, before occupied by a Cavalry Reg, & we have named it "Camp Misery". Built a stove to-night, having, with the assistance of C.O.F. bought a cast-iron plate from Centreville. So we are again in comfort.

Sunday 21st This morning after breakfast, we moved our camp about 75 rods, in front of a piece of fine old woods. It is a beautiful place for a camp & sheltered from the north wind. After moving our "portables" we went back & got our tent & stove-plate. Then policing & then about night, got the tent pitched & a stove made & we begin to feel at home again.

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Monday 22nd Policing all about camp, in A.M. & taking it easy in P.M. This A.M. C.O.F & I, went down to the brook & having broken the ice 1½ inches thick, proceeded to wash ourselves from head to foot. It was somewhat cold but quite pleasant bath & did us much good. In the afternoon I went over to the battle field of Chantilly, on the Leesburg pike, fought Sept 1st 1862. We went armed, but saw nothing requiring arms, unless some quail & wild turkeys. Very little artillery was used in the battle & I saw but one trace of it, in a hole thro' a portico of a house, standing a little one side, of the main field. Of bullets there were sufficient marks, especially in the trees. One large oak had the marks of 22 bullets & many had a dozen or 15 & so down. Also

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many graves, both of ours & the rebels. Some marked, from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 8th Louisiana. Some, &c. Some of ours were very slightly burried; sometimes a hand or head or even the ribs & backbone protruding. The women who live in the house, before mentioned & who lived there at the time of the fight, pointed out the place where Gen Kearney was killed, just at the edge of the woods. Gen. Stevens was killed, also in this battle. Yet with these marks on tree & in field, how little was there to mark the spot, as one upon which a sharp contest had taken place, involving the lives of 2 Generals & numerous other officers & many men, & in process of time, Nature will efface even these tokens, & tradition only will hand down the place as that mentioned in History as "Chantilly"

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Tuesday 23rd Detailed to-day, to act as architect & builder, with others. Finished our labor about 2½ P.M. Dress Parade at night.

Wednesday 24th "On guard" for the tenth time & was detailed as Col. Blunts "orderly", & so had an easy time & my regular sleep. As it is "Christmas Eve", our tent concluded to have a time & so we did, playing cards &c, until 10 ½ P.M.

Thursday December 25th Christmas day. Excused from all unnecessary duty to-day. Taking it easy in A.M. & playing foot-ball &c in P.M. The weather for the past few days has been very warm & pleasant, not even freezing at night. We cannot hope that such weather will continue.

Friday 26th On water police, & it is very hard work. Carried 30 pails & the spring is over an aquarter eighth of a mile distant. Brigade drill in P.M.

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Saturday 27th This forenoon is given to us to prepare for to-morrow's inspection, so we are cleaning everything generally. Battallion drill in P.M. & Dress Parade as usual. Before dress parade, an aid of Gen Stoughton's rode up & we were ordered to be ready to march, with two days rations in haversack, in light marching order, at a moments notice. Before we could get our rations, another came & gave orders to march at once with one day's rations. Before we were quite ready, another aid came & countermanded the last order, & left the matter so that we are liable to march any moment with 2 day's rations.

Sunday 28th Complete inspection in A.M. Service in P.M. & Dress Parade. Just as we were finishing supper to-night orders came to march at once. In about 10 minutes we were in line & left immediatly after on a very quick time.

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I conjectured we were going either to Fairfax Station or Centreville, or possibly down towards Dunfries. But all were wrong. We marched out a little to the East of F.C.H. & were posted (in comparative silence) behind the breast works. 4 Pieces of our Artillery were posted in the road, we on the right of them & the 13th on the left, & the 14th behind us. The 14th afterwards changed front to the right flank. Cos B & G were sent out in front, to act as skirmishers, to the edge of the woods in front. The 15th were out on picket at Centreville & the 16th went with 2 pieces of the Battery to F. station. After remaining some time in silence, we saw a line of light accompanied with shouts in the edge of the woods & then heard the report of the volley. It seems that a force of 30 or 40 Cav. in advance had reached the skirmishers & not minding their Halt! had recd their fire, & wheeling, left. One horse was left dead

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on the field. Expectations of a fight now became general. But we were disappointed, for nothing more was heard. After a time Gen S. thought that they were passing to the left in the woods & so had 5 shells thrown in that direction. Soon large fires were seen all around. At one time we were sure that our camp was being burned. About 1½ A.M. we were double-quicked back thro' the town & posted on a hill on the West, as we were supposed to be being flanked. Here we remained till morning, & departed for camp (which the light disclosed to be in secuirty) about 8 o'clock.

Monday 29th It is ascertained that the force was from 3 to 5000 strong, composed of two Brigades of Rebel Cav. commanded by Gens. Stuart & Fitz Hugh Lee. They came up by Dunfries between us & Annandale; tore up a mile or two of the railroad, & passed up by

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to the North. Our position last night was rather precarious. All communication cut off with Washington, & we were not assured of the position of Gen. Slocumbs corps. Sleeping most of the time to-day. Dress Parade as usual.

Tuesday 30th Drills as usual. Changed all my underclothing to-day; Down to Chas. Thatcher's' in evening & played whist.

Wednesday 31st The last day of the old year 1862. The weather for the past week & a half has been mild & pleasant & we have lived, for the most part without fire. Again we have got to living in good style, & that is as well as one can ask, here.

H. Barlow.

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Before commencing on a New Year, in this my diary, it seems proper to remark on some of the occurrences & changes, while "out" & to speak of the variation in habits of life which this period indicates. A year ago, at home, in the Senior Class in the old U.V.M. I passed the time in the enjoyment of all that home could afford. It was vacation, & my attention was occupied with things other than my studies; though perhaps thoughts of my graduating piece may have claimed a share of attention. But the primary business was to find pleasure. Many thoughts of my future prospects filled my mind, but none of the soldiers life, as applying to myself. Life was passing pleasantly & time seemed to hasten to bring us back

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to labor again. A year has passed, & the change is far greater that I, at least, anticipated. A private soldier in the grand army of the United States & willing to do my share & more, to put down this accursed rebellion & to build up the power of our free government, beyond the possibility of strife or faction for years & years to come. Hardly had I shaken off the dust & fever of College life than I, (perhaps by force of circumstances, in part) enlisted in the best company in the best Regiment that has left our native State. The life is entirely new & foreign to me, but my health has been pretty good & duties have not seemed too irksome, except a part of the time at Camp Vt. Picket in the

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cold & stormy weather is not pleasant but we must accept it, as a part of our duty, aforeknown & so expected. Fatigue, too, has its perculiar sorrows, but there are weights, which counterbalance all these. When in camp & unengaged, we enjoy conversation, whist, &c&c & we have the sweet consciousness that we came, duty bound, & were not "hirelings" in any sense of the word. We came freely, at the first call for 9 months troops, & if the sacrifice on our part does not equal that of the 3 years' men, we, still, give up what is dear to us, & all that we individually wish to hazard at this time. I was singularly free from all embarrassing circumstances, at the time of enlistment, & so duty & policy, at the same time,

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indicated but one course. This we pursued & we have never felt cause to lament or even to regret. Every day shows more & more clearly, that the Government is really in earnest & that if the "Rebels" do not succumb to our forces, prior to the expiration of our time, undoubtedly there will be another draft & circumstances will not, probably, favor others to the extent that it did us. We have seen no enemy, perhaps excepting the affair on the night of the 28th of Dec, & our whole duty has consisted of Camp duty, Picket & Fatigues. Not a very brilliant campaign, one would say, so far, & truly, but we must accept the position which the "Powers that be" assign to us, & it is not our fault, if this is in the rear. Though I do not

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consider myself deficient in any of the elements of true courage, yet I think I am not, strictly speaking, a "fightingcharacter" & so I am glad that we have seen so little of the "realities of actual war". I confess I see no gratification, even in victory, if the ground is strewed with the corpses of friends & companions. But if, asitmust, the war must be settled by freely shedding blood, then if ordered to such positions, & such scenes occur, I pray I may never be wanting in anything that pertains to the true man & patriot as well as soldier. Two of our Co. numbers have left us, Collamer & Spaulding; two good boys & hard to spare, but their time was full & they left us. May they reap the full reward, which is given to those whose duty is done faithfully & well.

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Thursday, January 1st 1863.
On Patrol Guard at F.C.H. Quarters near the CH. itself. Comparatively warm & so quite endurable. Nothing of note occurred, so pass along.

Friday 2nd Home this morning. Brigade drill by Gen. Stoughton in P.M. & Dress Parade. Rather tired when all was finished as I had not my regular allowance of sleep last night.

Saturday 3rd Battallion drill in A.M. & so the afternoon was given to us to wash our clothes &c&c. Dress Parade at night.

Sunday 4th Inspection by company officers in A.M. Service in P.M. Dress Parade at night. Weather still warm & pleasant; splendid for any season & especially so for the first of January.

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Monday 5th Simply the regular drills to-day. Still delightfully warm & pleasant.

Tuesday 6th Drills as usual. Picket duty at Centreville is played out. Raining in P.M. & Evening.

Wednesday 7th About ¼ of an inch of snow fell last night, but the sun quickly melted it. Drills as usual.

Thursday 8th Company drill in A.M. Brigade drill in P.M. Got home too late for Dress Parade, & so had none.

Friday 9th Small boil on my left forehead, & quite sore. Went out to Company drill, but was excused from Battallion Drill & dress parade, as my cap hurt my head. Rumor to-night that we are going to remove to Germantown, about 3 miles, to establish a picket line.

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Saturday 10th Still excused for my cap hurts my head. Raining in P.M. & evening. About 6½ P.M. an order came for the Right wing of the 12th to go out on picket on the Chantilly road. But Col. Blunt hearing of it, being absent at the time, rode to F.C.H. & got the order countermanded. "Bullyforhim".

Sunday 11th Company inspection of arms & equipments. I am still off duty. The right wing went out this P.M. to picket. Church after they departed. No dress parade.

Monday 12th Still off duty, though my boil is much better. Went to the surgeon yesterday morn & was assured that it was not a "Carbuncle". Company drills as usual in A.M. Right wing returned home from picket at M. & (with the exception of 15 of Co. C. who stood on the posts) the whole reg went to Brigade Drill.

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Tuesday 13th No Company drill. I am still off duty. Brigade drill in P.M. No Dress parade.

Wednesday 14th Still off duty, though pretty well. Drills & Dress Parade as usual.

Thursday 15th Last night told the orderly I would go on duty to-day. So I am "on" my regular drills &c&c.

Friday 16th Rained hard last night & one or two showers to-day. Baxter & I are on for water-police, but as ill-fortune would have it there were no drills or Dress parade & so we escaped nothing, compensatory.

Saturday 17th Battallion drill in A.M. P.M. to ourselves, to prepare for Sunday Dress Parade as usual.

Sunday 18th Inspection of Guns & G.E. by company officers in A.M. Church in P.M. No dress parade, though bright & pleasant.

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Monday 19th We, four, were excused & built a splendid stockade for our tent. Were completing it, by the Captains tent & were intending to put our tent upon it to-morrow, when orders came for "Captains to hold their Co's in readiness to march to-morrow Morning at 7 o'clock." We have always said that when we built, we should move in a day or two, & it seems that our prohecy is correct.

Tuesday 20th Reveille rather earlier than usual. Reg't broke camp & marched at 7 o'clock. The day was clear & just cold enough to make it good marching. Stood the march to Wolf-run-shoals on the Occoquan river, pretty well; a distance of about 12 miles. 1 mile from our old camp to F.C.H. 3½ to the Station, & about 7½ to our present camp. My feet got a little sore, because I

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marched in my "gunboats" which have rather thin soles, but I put on boots on the way & so came comparatively comfortable. At W.run-shoals, we found an old camp & shanties, just left by a reg of Gen Slocumb's corps, with fires still burning in the fireplaces. We secured one of these shanties & put our shelter tents over for a roof & were pretty comfortable. C.O. F. was detailed to remain & watch over the company interests in the old camp. We made but two halts on our journey & so were pretty tired when we reached here. Gen Slocumb passed us on our march. Also a part of his wagon train was passed by us. We are slowly, & by long intervals, approaching the front & according to present appearances will be in position to advance in the Spring in the foremost rank. 5 weeks & 4 days we have remained in Camp Fairfax. Peacetoitsbeauty.

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Wednesday 21st Raining hard in the night & this morning. Woke up to find water in the shanty & the blankets quite wet, though we were pretty dry. Arose, made a fire, bailed out the shanty & got breakfast of fried hard-tack in an old frying-pan which I found & brought in. Nothing was done to-day but to make ourselves as comfortable as we could.

Thursday 22nd Still stormy, but with a fair prospect of cleaning off. Still taking it easy by being detailed to work on the roads, to the Station, all day. The Col. has selected a fine place for a camp in some pine woods & some are already commencing stockades. Our tent has not yet come, & in fact, we learn that Chas has burnt it & drawn another, but it has not come to hand & we are yet taking it easy. For more than two weeks, I have been

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sorely affected by a terrible itching, chiefly at night & have been to see the surgeon twice about it & he has given me "washes" for it, but as yet it has done little, if any, good. I call it the "ground itch". He calls it a "humor". My sleep is very badly broken; in fact I sleep scarcely enough to pay for the trouble of going to bed. May it get better speedily.

Friday 23rd Clear, warm, & pleasant. Some hope for the "wicked" One hardtack & a small piece of salt beef just large enough to cover hot, for breakfast. Plate of insipid rice for dinner. Rations not to be had as the roads are so bad. 4 h-to for supper & later, as the teams arrived a loaf of soft-bread. Went down to the Occoquan this P.M. & it is a beautiful valley. The river is about 2/3 the size of the Winoosski

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& shut in by high hills. A mill is situated near the river, on Wolf-run & is fed by a part of the run, which is turned in a "race", some half a mile above, & along this race is one of the most pleasant walks, I have ever seen. In fact this valley is a place of beauty. There are 2 Regs here, the 12th & 13th & 1 battery of 6 guns, the 2nd Conn. all under the command of Col. Blunt. In addition, I believe there is a reg of Mich cav which are doing picket duty, also under the Col.

Saturday 24th Cutting timber to build a stockade & working hard. We don't get up till about 9 & then get breakfast so our days are rather short.

Sunday 25th Putting up our stockade, as all are. No tent to be found, as someone has hooked the one Chas sent up. All up in P.M. To-day the greater part of the reg moved

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to the new camp, but we still live in our old shanty. To-day is [         ] only a fair sample of army Sundays.

Monday 26th Mudding up the stockade & making stove &c&c. We have to answer to no roll-calls, but live independently. Put up our old burnt tent to protect the ground inside, in a measure & now await the arrival of the head of the family C.O.F.

Tuesday 27th Detailed to clear up in front, for a color line, this A.M. Still suffering the torments of my itch, which is still a perfect pest, smarting terrible whenever I get into a perspiration. Something must be done, or I won't work, atall. Building chimney, or rather helping bring mud for Baxter to build chimney. Not a drill, while we have been here, & in fine, there is no place near, where even we could have company drills.

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Wednesday 28th Snowing hard to-day. Chas arrived about noon, & very glad were we to see him, once more. Our chief business to-day consists in keeping ourselves comfortable & dry.

Thursday 29th Clear & fine. About 10 inches of snow now on the ground. Reg paid by Major Halsey to-day. We were paid for 2 mos 9 days. $29.90. After being paid, Chas found our tent in Co. A. &, with the aid of the 2.M. proceeded to take it & we put it up in its proper position.

Friday 30th On Guard to-day, but as I wished to finish tent, &c&c. got Jennings to take my place. In the evening, pretended to clean gun & equipments for to-morrow's inspection, but no one would have guessed the gun had been touched. It was completely covered with rust & could not be got clean.

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Saturday 31 Inspection by Col. Blunt to-day. Only of guns & equipments however. Afterwards finished up everything & moved into our new quarters. Chas Cutting has come to live with us again. Capt John W. Woodward surprised us, in the evening with a call & remained over night. He is the same "old boy" but makes a good appearance as an officer.

Sunday 1st Detailed to work on the road again. Under Capt Dimmick of Co. I. This leads me to remark, that the officers of Co. I. have all resigned & the Col has appointed in their places Capt Co B. Dimmick, Lieut Loomis Co C, & 2nd Lieut Reddington, (formally Sargeant-Major.) Also G.G. Benedict is appointed 2nd Lieut of Co. C. These appointments, especially the latter call forth the usual remark.

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Monday 2nd Quite cold last night, so that the roads are stiffened so that there is no detail to-day. Do little or nothing about Camp.

Tuesday 3rd On Guard for the 11th time. In Jennings place, as he took mine a few days since, as I wished to have time to help the boys finish the shanty. This is the 1st time, I have down Camp-guard duty since I was on Capitol Hill, as ever since, I have been detailed as "orderly". My post was in front of the Commissary Dep. & I shall not say whether I did not have two draughts of Whiskey or not, from the 2 M's store. It was a very cold night, but we kept a small fire & so kept pretty warm. From 3 till reveillee, went to me tent & slept & so was not much fatigued.

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Wednesday 4th Off Guard this A.M. C.H.C. got us a sheet-iron stove, with 2 griddles, to-day & after hunting all A.M. for pipe, in P.M. Pulled down our chimney & put it up again & so have a nice fire arrangment. our California stove, somehow or other, would not draw, & so was rather a cold stove.

Tuesday 5th Snowing again to-day. Baxter on Picket, taking Stack's place. Our monster box, weighing 340 lbs & costing $10.25 for Express, came to-day. Full a quarter of it, was for others however. But there was everything for us. I recd Nut-cakes, Jumbles, Horse-radish, Butter, Dried-apples, & plums, Coffee, Stockings, &c&c&c. If we only stay long enough, Everything will be useful & tip-top. But Alas! if we move. Sad wreck of provisions & prospects.

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Friday 6th Yesterday, I was very unfortunate & was obliged to regard the sinks altogether too-much, & last night was no exception. To-day ditto, only worse. Nothing doing in Camp. Not able to patronize any of the box, scarcely.

Saturday 7th Last-night & to-day, Diarrhea drives me very hard. About a dozen times to-day. Battallion drill, for the 1st time in A.M.

Sunday 8th Last night unfortunate to the extent of 4 times. Went to the Surgeon & got some opium pills.

Monday 9th A trifle better, Some hopes. Nothing going on in particular. Camp life at present, very monotonous. On for Camp Guard, but unable to go on. For the first time have missed my turn. Unfortunate but necessary. Have been virtually off duty for several days.

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Tuesday 10th Diarrhea less driving, but still the same terrible, griping pain in the bowels, that I have had for several days back. The Reg't is engaged in keeping picket up & down the river; some 6 or 7 miles up, on Bull Run, & some 2½ miles down, to one ford, below the "Sally Davis" ford.

Wednesday 11th About so so. Pain rather better. Rather sober yet, however, from necessity. Periodically, for 10 or 15 minutes at a time, the Pain makes me feel very sick & weak & then it passes off & I feel about as well as ever.

Thursday 12th Doing a little duty this P.M. Not very brilliant, yet. Everything is still about Camp. The water here is very poor, being mostly surface water & we attribute our Diarrhea to this cause. It is all over the Reg't.

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Friday 13th On duty again, but doing nothing, for there is nothing to do. Everything quiet & easy.

Saturday 14th On picket to-day at "Sally Davis" ford, about 2 miles down the Occoquan. Duty only 1½ hours from the 12½ till 2 A.M. Sunday morning. Lieut & 15 men on this post & 2 corporals; & a sergeant & 5 men at a ford about ¾ of a mile below. DressParade for (first time here)

Sunday 15th Home this morning. It rained some during the night, but we did not get wet. Church Service in P.M. Camp life is dull at present. Not enough to do, for livelyhealth. Went up to Davis House & had supper. Sat. night & breakfast Sunday morn, & so feel pretty well. Nothing alarming on the table, but quite a change from camp fare & so quite acceptable.

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Monday 16th Nothing going on; but quietly laying around.

Tuesday 17th As yesterday.

Wednesday 18th Ditto.

Thursday 19th "

Friday 20th Since picket, last Sat & Sunday I have not been called upon to lift a finger. To-day I am on wood-police for the cooks & Baxter is on fatigue. Everything is pretty dull & we content ourselves with Whist &c. Dress Parade to-night.

Saturday 21st On picket to-day on "Davis' ford." Had our regular Dinner & breakfast, as a matter of course. Commenced to snow about 11.15 P.M. & Snowed hard.

Sunday 22nd Washington's birthday. Home this morning. Stopped snowing about noon, & we have a good foot of snow. No inspection or church. Rather cold. Diarrhea rather mean yet.

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Monday 23rd Doing nothing in Camp. Dress Parade in P.M. Diarrhea meaner & harder driven.

Tuesday 24th Went to the Surgeon & got some Camphor-Opium pills "to take as necessary". Belly-ache almost constantly. Feel very mean indeed.

Wednesday 25th No Better. Pain off & on, all the time. Waiting for operation of Pills. Dress Parade.

Thursday 26th No Better. Took another Pill. They only seem to increase Pain, if possible. Of course, I am doing nothing for my suffering Country, unless that I am trying to get better. Dress Parade in P.M.

Friday 27th Went to the Surgeon's again this morning & he gave me 4 Powders of "Hydrigeri-cum-crcta" etc, to be taken once in six hours. I took

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them, i.e. 3 of them & concluded as they were sufficiently disagreeable not to get up in the night & take the fourth. Felt mean from their effects all day.

Saturday 28th Last day of February. "Bonjour" to it. Slept well changeably last night. Often awake, & dreams from "getting into a skirmish & 2 balls glancing from top of cranium & 2 from parts of right hand", to those of a for pleasanter character. Went to the Surgeon's (as ordered by him, yesterday) & told him I felt better, & he said all right & gave me nothing more. But one operation day-before-yesterday & none yesterday. On the whole, I feel very much better to-day & hope it will continue.

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Sunday March 1st 1863 The new month, came in with rain, last night, & it has rained about ½ in the A.M. I feel very much better. Stomach ache has entirely disappeared. Church in P.M. but as I am off duty, did not attend. No Dress Parade My turn came to go on picket, at the barn at the Ford, to-night, but I was unable to go on; or rather though perhaps able, I thought it prudent to keep quiet for a time & so perfect, if possible my recovery.

Monday 2nd Still Better. Regiment engaged on fort & on roads. Dress Parade at night, which I attended. Played Whist in the evening. Went to bed, immediately after "tatoo" & had just got nicely settled, when the Capt came around & gave orders for all "to be ready, with 40 rounds of cartridges, to fall in, at a

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moments notice". So we got up & put on our overcoats & equipments & laid down again. The cause of the alarm was that a large force was reported at "Gates' ford" on the Bull Run. We slept, (perhaps unnecessarily) with our equipments on till morning. No further alarm. I forgot to state, in yesterday's space, that an operator for our telegraph came up here Sunday, about Midnight, so, now, we are in telegraphic communication with W. by way of Union Mills.

Tuesday 3rd Usual Camp duty. Though I am "on duty", my turn has not yet come for Guard or Picket or fatigue, so I am quiet in quarters.{1st Thunder Storm of Season}

Wednesday 4th To-day completes 5 months of our term of service. This A.M. I put on a new pr. of Pantaloons, wh I drew some time since. Also went to John Dwyer's & came out minus my alarming growth of Whiskers.

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So much for a commencement for the 6th month of service.

Thursday 5th On fatigue on the road. Used an ax, but did not injure my constitution materially by work. It is the first duty I have done for about 1½ weeks. Adj. Poland & Father & sister & Kate Pease & the Chaplain came up to this station this P.M. to visit, more particularly the 13th Vt. However, in evening, the two ladies came over to Capt. Page's tent & we had quite a visit. Afterwards, W.W.W. & myself attended them to the Lieut-Col's & then to the Col's, making a visit at each & passed a very gay eve.

Friday 6th Called at Mrs. Farnham's & saw Miss Kate Pease this A.M. Playing Whist P.M. & eve, as we had nothing to do & nothing to read, or occupy attention.

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Saturday 7th Taking my ease, after the immense labor of visiting &c for the past two days. Regiment engaged as usual.

Sunday 8th On picket at Bull Run. Day lowery, but not rainy; night showery & finished up rain by thunder storm. By proper disposition of shelter tents & rubber blankets, we kept dry & comfortable. Stood 6 hours in the 24. On post with Sergt. Tennant & Lieut Waite, Co A. Pleasant time, on the whole.

Monday 9th Back to Camp this A.M. Doing nothing the rest of the day. The report, & it is well founded, is, this morning, that Gen Stoughton, our Brig-Gen, who has chosen to remain at Fairfax C.H. while his command was at the station & here, &. was without any extra force for guard, was taken pris-

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oner by about 100 Cavalry, under the command of Capt Mosely. They also took a lot of horses. This occured last night.

Lucius Bigelow, Sergt 5th Vt, came up to Camp last night. It seems well to see his face once more, as one from home.

Tuesday 10th Doing nothing at all to-day. Wet & snowy most of the day & rather cold for Spring weather. Sun is getting to "run pretty high" as the saying is, & its effect is shown on the mud, if the day is pleasant.

Wednesday 11th On water police to-day. Brought 10 pails. Took about an hour in all. Lucius Bigelow starts for W. to-day. George Bigelow 2.M. has been very sick with a sort of Camp Fever; but is now in a fair way to recovery. Visiters do find us now & then.

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Thursday 12th Regiment engaged in its accustomed manner. I am taking my "otiumcumdignitate" & writing letters. Day is pretty clear but not very warm.

Friday 13th Wrote to Harriet.

Saturday 14th About 10 A.M. put on "fatigue" at the battery, much to my surprise. In P.M. One of Col Randall's "raids". Returned from fatigue at 3.30 P.M. & soon were ordered under arms. All, seemingly, quiet. At 6 P.M. put on as guard or rather picket. Was on with one other man, on the knoll beyond "Mr Steele's" palatial residence, from 9 till 11 P.M. & from 3 to 5 A.M.

Sunday 15th Everything still throughout the night. Off guard this morning. A thunder Storm of Hail in P.M. Albert Edgell & Alonzo W. Shattrack here yesterday & Stayed over night in our Shanty, as C.O.F & I were both out on picket.

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Monday 16th Everything quiet. Taking my ease in camp.

Tuesday 17th Still tranquil. Went down to the Surgeon's this A.M. about my "humor", & met with such decidedsuccess that I think Dr. Conn is a Jackass, all but the ears. Cutting & Baxter started for the Station this P.M. on their way to W. C.O.F. was on Patrol guard & so H.G.C. & I slept together for the second time.

Wednesday 18th All quiet on the O. Regiment engaged as usual.

Thursday 19th As yesterday.

Friday 20th On picket on Bull Run with Lieut Lewis Co. D. Snowing in A.M. clear during the greater part of the day, but snowing in night. Did not have a very hard time. Went down to the junction of Bull & Cedar Runs, to see the source of the Occoquan.

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Saturday 21st Home this A.M. in a snow-storm, which ceased soon after. Got our regular whiskey. rather tired as I only slept ½ hour last night.

Sunday 22nd Cloudy in early morning & so no inspection. About 11 o'clock Sun came out & shone very hotly the rest of the day. Thermometer must have marked 75° in the sun. Short Church service in P.M. No Dress Parade. To-day is almost the only approach to Spring that we have seen for a long time. The birds are getting plenty & they sing quite sweetly, when the days are warm & pleasant. Spring must be very late, this year, for this Climate.

Monday 23rd Cleaned up Co. street this A.M. As the Comsy procured flour instead of hard-tack last time, he drew rations, we are reveling in Griddle-cakes, & we enjoy the change much.

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Tuesday 24th This A.M. Reg't engaged in preparing new ground for a new camp. I worked pretty hard in P.M. cutting timber & went home quite tired. Commenced to rain about night fall. Played Old Sledge with H.G.C. till about 9 P.M. As was no tatoo we suspected that something was in the wind & we were doubly certain of it when the Orderly came & detailed us to go, with others, on patrol. We went in the rain & mud & travelled more or less all night, & returned at day-break, tired, wet, hungry, & mad at Col. Randall for getting up another scare. We did not see or hear anything suspicious & subsequent developments show that is is "Randall raid" no 2. If these things continue we shall doubly wish for our trusty Col. Blunt.

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Wednesday 25th 3 Cos of the 13th & 2 of the 12th were ordered down to Mayhew's ford this A.M. but saw nothing, of course, for there was & had been nothing there. Sleeping most of the day as I was very much fatigued.

Thursday 26th Working on stockade & cutting timber. Everything quiet. C.H. Cutting has been quite sick for several days.

Friday 27th Working on stockade, but have quite a head-ache & feel rather mean Don't think I will eat many "cakes for a few days.

Saturday 28th Still working on stockade but head aches worse than ever. Am afraid that I shall have to consult the Surgeon. If I am going to be sick, I do not wish to postpone going, too long, & if not, it costs little to have the assurance.

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Sunday 29th My team has come again to go on picket, but I was obliged to tell the orderly that I could not go. When Dr. Ross came to see Chas. Cutting I asked him about my case, too. He said little & gave me "4 powders, 6 hours". After he left I took to my blankets & kept them steadily. In writing this, a week & a half after, when I am convalescent, I am able to add that I was suffering from a mild attack of typhoid fever. My head ached badly all day & in the eve & night, on closing my eyes my fancy & imagination ran not.

Monday 30th Dr. to see me again this A.M. Another lot of powders. About the same as yesterday. Also Blue Pill, for to-night

Tuesday 31st Dr. again this A.M.Snowing to-day Another lot of powders. Considerably easier to-day. Dr. allows me toast, beef-tea, gruel, & no water. Up twice this A.M. as med operated.

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Wednesday April 1st 1863. Dr. again this A.M. Powders as usual. To-day am almost free from pain, but find myself as weak as a cat, or mouse, or something of the kind. Very little appetite. Co. C. this P.M. was ordered by Col Randall down the Occoquan, below Sally Davis' ford to catch a rebel-mail-carrier. They were out all night & as it turns out, Col Baker's detective force took the "gentleman" ere he left Alexandria, & before our Co was ordered out. Baxter is on picket again to-day, so I should have been if well enough.

Thursday 2nd Dr. Ross came again this morning. Powders as usual. Still dieting. So weak that I lie in bed all the time. Suffer no pain whatever, so am thankful. 13th Reg't, ordered down near the town Occoquan. Left this A.M. Col Blunt came here to-day & is to make this point his head-quarters in future.

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Friday 3rd Dr. again this morning. Says I am doing finely. Only must be very careful every way. Powders as usual. To-day Reg't moves to the new camp, according to orders. About ½ Reg't move to-day. We remain tranquil in old quarters.

Saturday 4th Dr. again this morning. Powders as usual. All I have to do is be careful & gain my strength, which however will come slowly. A good many more moving to new camp to-day.

Sunday 5th Dr. again, & Powders. Generally composed of Epicae, Sulphate of Potash, Cinchronia, & sometimes of a mixture of Quinine, or Morphine. Setting up a little to-day. Had two fearful colic pains in upper chest in evening. Snowed last night hard, for is quite a body of snow on the ground this A.M.

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Monday 6th Dr. again & regular Powders. Still better & stronger every day. Medicine seems to have fitted my case very well indeed. Sitting up some, & eating rather more, tho' of same spare variety forementioned, made still more spare by the absence of gruel & beef-tea. Chas. Thatcher & Lieut Loomis spent the evening in "the shanty" & so we were far from dumpy. One thing, I have forgotten to mention, & that is the presentation of a splendid laurel pipe of his own manufacture (manufactured expressly) by Lieut G.G. Benedict, to me. It is really a splendid pipe & I shall value [  ] it, both on account of its intrinsic excellence & finish & beauty, & also much more from the source from whence it came, & as a token & remembrancer of Lieut Benedict's uniform kindness & good "Sig" love.

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Tuesday 7th Dr. again & Powders. Still on "my gain". Was up & dressed when the Dr. came. Sat up all day, tho' I was pretty tired at night. Henry G. Catlin on picket to-day, acting Sergt. Baxter's turn came also, but he is off the hooks & so did not go out. This would make it my turn again, if I was well. Dr. gave Baxter some medicine also, for his head-ache & diarrhea.

Wednesday 8th Dr. again this morning. He thinks I may try it a spell without powders. Says to be very careful, eat light & with care, & do not expose myself. I have taken 31 Powders & 1 blue pill, & it seems as if it ought to be time to stop. I was up & dressed when the Dr. came. I asked if I might walk out any to-day, it being considerably cloudy, & he thought I had best not. Baxter well this A.M. tho' he did not take the Dr's medicine.

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Thursday 9th A pleasant bright day. I feel better & stronger. As we can have a team this A.M. we move to the new camp. Most have already moved & it is lonesome enough here. I rode up on a pile of knapsacks & overcoats & went into Tennant's shanty, so as not to get tired or overwork myself, as I am very weak yet. Went into Sergt. Thompson's tent to spend the night. Went to bed about 9 P.M. but was aroused from sleep by the cries of "Murder"! "Murder"! &c coming from the direction of old Steele's. Was up & dressed in a hurry. The boys were out & loading their guns & getting ready for any emergency. It was found out that some Cavalry-men had gone there & driven in the guard & were proceeding to steal some hens. They got some & left, before the Co.(G) which was sent down, arrived there.

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Friday 10th Feeling a little better this A.M. Living on rather a plain diet, yet, as Dr. says it is best. Boys are getting the shanty fixed up pretty well. Got letters to-night & money. All the letters were written, having just recd Baxter's letter, which he wrote for me, advising them of my sickness, & they are all scared almost to death, & here I am, getting pretty well! About ½ hour after receiving my letters, who should come to the tent but Edward. It seems he came on to New York last Monday, & transacted his business & then as they had had no news that I was better, he thought it best to come on. Perhaps I was not glad to see the boy & talk with him. He came just at dusk, & surprised me, in his coming, as much as Ellen's coming did, last November. Sleep to night in my own shanty.

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Saturday 11th Still gaining, Walking around considerably with Edward, to show him all there is to see. Also up at Col. Blunt's head-quarters to see G.G.B. I have forgotten to make mention of a present of a half-bottle of splendid brandy from G.G.B. to use in recruiting. I find this Country to be mean to "pick up" in, & gain strength. Edward seems to enjoy himself quite well.

Sunday 12th Splendid, pleasant, bright weather for a few days back. Still about the same as yesterday. This P.M. Edward gets wind that the Reg't is going to start for the front to-morrow morning & so he must be off to-day. So off he went about 4 o'clock, with the Adjutant & several ladies who have been with us. I presume, even if we are to move, we shall not move to-morrow. Our experience has been, to have several alarms before we are ordered to start.

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Monday 13th Not on the move this A.M. Rather pleasant prospect for those not able to go with the Reg't. Orders are, for all sick to go to the General Hospital. Alexandria, & all convalescents to go to Convalescent Camp. So all able to walk to the station were ordered to report to Surgeon Ketchum at his headquarters with their knapsacks. Perhaps I ommitted to mention that our guns & gun equipments were given up last night. There were 20 in all, from our Co. & Mc Lane the drummer. So this detachment went to the station (& onward I suppose; for at time of writing this, Friday, I have not heard from them.) Baxter was in this squad. As to the next squad, those unable to walk to the station, a team came around & collected their knapsacks & took them directly to the station. We expected to follow at any moment, but when it became dark, we were yet here. Our blankets were gone, but the Capt, saw us all provided for & comfortable. As to my own health; strength comes very slowly, here, & the diet is not sufficiently nourishing, but every little helps to get out of the woods.

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A. tents taken to-day, & sent off to the station.Tuesday 14th This A.M. Reg't still quiet. Orders changed, so as to allow all convalescents, who will be unable to follow reg't in 10 days, to remain here. I am among the [few], & after having a prospect of that "delightfullyclean C Camp held up before our eyes, we are slightly delighted. Capt sent to the station & got the boys knapsacks who are to remain, & got us guns & equipments, our own, or others. I got none of my own. I forgot to mention, yesterday, that H.G.C. went to W. to see his Father, & he returned to-day, fearing lest if he remained longer the Reg't might move, & he be left behind. Caught a bad cold some time to-day.

Wednesday 15th Find myself with a cold & very sore throat. Reg't quiet as ever. Everything quiet, in fact, everywhere, apparently. Nothing going on; Everybody seems to be waiting for our order to move. Commenced to rain this morning about 2 o'clock & rained hard all day & till 9 at night. Shelter tents are a slightly questionable shelter when pitched so low as we have them on our old A. tent stockade.

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Thursday 16th No more as yet. Throat troublesome in a high degree. Hard to raise, when tonsils are so much inflamed. Everything quiet. H.G.C. was on picket yesterday, & comes in this morning pretty tired. He says the Occoquan raised 15 ft. last night.

Corporal John Pope, who has had the typhoid fever for more than a week, died this A.M. about 10.30. He was a good soldier & good officer, & was universally liked.

This is the 3rd death in our Co. since leaving home. It is so long since we have had a death (Camp Vt) that we were in hopes that all might return. But Man proposes, alone.

Friday 17th We learn this morning, that Gen. Casey is transferred from his division, elsewhere, & that Gen. Abercrombie now commands this Division. This may effect our moving at all. Up & about as usual to-day & feeling about the same. H.G.C. got a canteen of milk & a Doz. Eggs to-night & so I made quite a supper of 2 eggs, rice &c&c.

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Saturday 18th Feel well after my hearty supper. As I asked the Dr. yesterday, if I could eat griddle cakes & he said "yes, but not a dozen", I eat 2 large ones this morn for breakfast. My appetite is enormous & my only labor, is, to keep from eating too-much. Still I seem to gain scarcely at all in strength perhaps on account of the climate & perhaps because we have no meat, & I don't eat the fat, boiled pork. But to-night we draw soft bread & fresh beef, so we shall live better.

Sunday 19th C.O.F & H.G.C. on picket to-day, so we convalescents are alone. Cakes as usual for breakfast. Broiled steak for dinner & it tasted first-rate. Usually we have it fried & then it is good-for-nothing. C.H. Cutting has a very sore throat & mouth & feels very poorly. Have written to Edward & to L.M.B. to-day & think I have accomplished quite a task, for me in present condition. Service to-day at 3 o'clock. It is a very warm day, & clear & sunshiny. Our rations bid fair to be better than they were last week. -Bliss of Essex Vt. here to-day.-

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Monday 20th Gaining slowly, but still gaining. C.O.F. & H.G.C. came in this morning in a shower. It was reported that Brig-Gen Stannard would arrive to-day to take command of this Brigade, but he has not arrived. Everything quiet.

Tuesday 21st As usual. Gen Stannard came to-day. Col. Blunt had Regt' on Battalion drill this P.M.

Wednesday 22nd Feel about as usual. Think I am gaining strength slowly but surely. Eat three cakes for breakfast. Co. drill this A.M. Battalion drill in P.M. All this effects me not.

Thursday 23rd Raining hard this morning. Shelters but little better than nothing as they have too little pitch, over the A stockades. C.O.F. on Camp guard & H.G.C. on picket. Lovely day for all concerned. Chas Cutting seems worse if anything. He loses rather than gains strength. Dr. Conn comes to see him every day. Denison is spending the day with us. He had a "box" come at night & treated us to sundry luxeries.

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Friday 24th Still raining hard. Cold comfort in our habitations. H.G.C. in this morning rather wet &c&c. Raining, with some intermissions, all day. Nothing going on, of course.

Saturday 25th Clear but windy. Storm seems to be over. General cleaning up of our shanty this morning in anticipation of an inspection to-morrow. C.H.C. much better, apparently, to-day.

Sunday 26th Clear & pleasant. Inspection, by Co. officers, of arms & equipments & of quarters by regimental officers. Feel a little stronger every day, I think, but it is slow work. As we purchased some flour of the Sutler yesterday, we had cakes for breakfast. As we had only pea-soup for dinner, we thought we should have some more cakes. As C.O.F. was cooking them, the Capt & George Hagar came to my tent & asked if I wanted to go out as a safeguard. I replied that as I was unable to do camp duty, perhaps it was best.

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So I was ordered to report immediately. But (as I told G.I.H.) I stopped to eat two cakes & then I reported to Col. Blunt. Having recd directions, I found I was to go to Mr. George Davis' ie. Sally Davis'. H.G.C. & Lucius [Vias] accompanied me, to carry my gun, haversack (which I filled with portfolio, blouse &) & overcoat, as they liked to take the walk. It was just about all I could endure, to walk the two miles. If I had known that it would have tired me half as much, I am afraid I should not have started.

Monday 27th Slept on a feather bed last night & undressed for the first time since leaving Brattleboro'. Feel refreshed, & rested from my walk. It is very quiet here & my time is mostly spent between the Cooper's shop & the house, going backwards & forwards, as the spirit moves. The Reg't was paid 4 months pay to-day by Major Robinson.

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Tuesday 28th Another good sleep. We are living pretty well now. Our bill of fare consists, in general, of Bacon, Fresh fish, corn-bread & biscuit, Molasses, & Coffee. Went to Camp this A.M. on horseback, about 9 o'clock. Saw the boys & got my pay for 4 mo's, $52.00 of the Capt. Had a nice visit & came back in rain about 3 P.M. Of course, after getting my pay, I did not visit the sutler, nor nothing of the kind.

Wednesday 29th Gaining in strength apparently every day. My personal health seems as strong as ever & I relish my food as well. Wm Loomis on the post to-day & I have been down visiting. Quiet, at home, the rest of the day.

Thursday 30th Walked to Camp this A.M. to be mustered for pay. Had a good visit & returned after getting my mail at 6 P.M. Policing up the Camp very generally. Think they are preparing for a move. Finis to my sick month, April.

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May 1st 1863. I believe this is the first May-day, on which I have ever been absent from home. Taking it very easy, in my present quarters. About 5 P.M. started for Occoquan to see the process of fishing with dip-nets. As we approached the river at O. had a splendid view of the Potomac & intervening country. It is about 7 miles to O. from Mr. Davis'.

May 2nd Saturday. Left O. at 4¼ A.M. for home, having seen all the sights &c. When about a mile from Mr. Davis' one of the boys met me with the intelligence that the Reg't was to move at 8 AM. to-day. I returned to the house, but, as I had not been ordered in, stayed there quietly. About 9 was ordered in & found the Reg't gone. Was put on guard & so had enough to do the rest of the time in getting meals &c&c. Stoughton died (up.[to-day, of fever, at 11 o'clock. He was a good fellow & good soldier. Had always wanted to go to the front & see active service, Poor boy! Now is rest, instead of war.

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Sunday 3rd This A.M. off guard & are ordered to Union Mills, our knapsacks being carried in an ambulance. Reached Union Mills & waited about an hour for train & left on it about 11½. Found two Co's K&G. at Catlett's station, & the rest of the reg't about 5 miles below Warrenton Junction. This A.M. (it seems) Capt Mosely with a force of about 150 attacked a party of our 1st Virginia Cav & as they were totally unprepared, as they were engaged in watering their horses &c, they took them prisoners, but as the 5th N.Y. bore down on them immediately they were hardly used & were scattered. We took (i.e. the 5th N.Y. & 1st Vt Cav) a Major 2 Capt's, several Lieut's & some 30 Prisoners & wounded. This occurred at W. Junction & as we passed by on the train, we saw the Prisoners, & the dead & wounded, & traces of the fight. Weareapproaching the "Front"

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Monday 4th After night's sleep feel much improved. All quiet. 2 months more, only, to serve. Fixed up shanty by getting some boards & raising roof. Taking it easy most of the day.

Tuesday 5th On fatigue with Capt. Dimmick, building a block house. Worked very lightly as, (it is getting to be) usual. Quit work about the middle of P.M. as a hard Thunder Storm arose. Went about ¾ of a mile with C. Thatcher for boards to fix up our new shanty, between the showers, & got pretty wet.

Wednesday 6th Rained hard in night & raining hard more or less all day. A Regular Va rain. On guard but was detailed as Col. Blunt's orderly & so had a first-rate time. Duty was light & we had a good deal of sport with Capt. Atchison, the first Capt of Co. I., who was down on a visit. I am getting well acquainted with Col. Blunt.

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Thursday 7th Still lowery & rainy. Orders to move on arrival of R.R. train. Left about 1 P.M. & in due season arrived at Rappahannock station & there encamped. Got boards & put up a shanty with all the tents & we 5 all live together. Baxter is yet in Alexandria. A Section of Artillery came down with us, or rather in a train following, & the 15th Vt. came down to "Bealeston" station.

Friday 8th Rained hard in the night & rainy, this morning. Hope the Sun has not left us for good.

Friday 8th This is a very pretty place for a camp, near the River & we find good water. Raining to-day. So we are lying in our tents, mostly. The farther we push into Va. the better the land & better improved. This must have been a splendid section before the war, but now we see, for the most part, ruins.

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Saturday 9th Clear & fine this A.M. Pretty warm in the middle of the day. Detailed to dig rifle pits to-day, but, as usual, did not injure my constitution, tho' we accomplished a fair job. The way the negroes come in, is surprising. They average 6 to 8 to 10 per day, all seeking that haven of rest (to them) Alexandria. Trains run almost every day, & often 2 trains.

Sunday 10th On guard & detailed again as Col's orderly. Had a pleasant time. Day very hot. This A.M. 3 negroes came in & were put in the guard-house, as usual, to await the arrival of the train. About 10 A.M. who should come in but John Minor Botts for the three. One of them was very white & quite intelligent. Of Course, Col Blunt declined

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to give them up, till he consulted higher authority. I think, personally his feelings & principles would prefer to allow them their freedom, but as it is an important case, as it would establish a precedent, he prefers not to be responsible. I hardly see how they can be given up, after the Presidents' proclamation, but undoubtedly he would receive compensation, in time. In writing my brief account, a few days after occurrences, I find I have omitted a matter of no small interest. Friday are last, About 10,000 (ten thousand) cavalry came to this station, under command of Gen Stoneman, just having returned from their great raid down toward Richmond. A part went on to Bealeston Station.

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They presented a splendid appearance, tho' tired & hungry, horses &men having had no food for 24 hours. Rations & forage had come down for them earlier that day. They went within about 2 (two) miles) of R & destroyed all that came in their way. I need make no further mention of them for they & their raid will long be remembered. Mr. Botts comes again the day after to-morrow for his "slaves". We shall see, what we shall see. "Rebs" seen across the river.

Monday 11th Off duty this A.M. & writing letters & taking it easy. Recd letters from home & feel well, & hearty as a fish in his native element. Weather is getting to be awful hot. Have taken off my underclothing & have to go in short-sleeves, it is so hot.

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Tuesday 12th Doing little to-day. Wrote to L.M.B. & read my "Atlantic". Also eat Oranges & Apples in fearful quantities in P.M. Feel firstrate tho' the thermometer stands 103° in the sun.

Wednesday 13th On picket for the first time in many weeks. Raining more or less, but hot. Pleasant time on the whole.

Thursday 14th In this A.M. In P.M. Reg't moved back from the river, on the line of R.R. about 1½ miles. More pickets &c are put out & so we come on oftener. We are placed near woods, now.

Friday 15th On day patrol on railroad from 8 A.M. till 8 P.M. Easy duty, for we sat down most of the time, as it answered every purpose. Since the thunder-storm, with hail, of yesterday P.M. the weather has been much cooler, & about comfortable. Got letter from Baxter this eve. He is getting along well.

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Saturday 16th Off duty i.e. Not on guard or picket & so quiet in Camp. Nothing new or alarming.Gotmylittleboxfromhometo-day&everything was nice

Sunday 17th Quiet in camp. Inspection of arms & equipments in A.M. No Church. Battery or rather section of ditto; returned to-night.

Monday 18th Moved camp, by rail, to Bristow station. The two Co's K & G are still at Catlett's & the right wing at Bristow, & the other 3 at Mannassas Junction. Col. Blunt sent for me to help him move, & so I was detailed & had an easy time. On Picket, (not by necessity) to-night.

Tuesday 19th Was to have had a great inspection to-day by A.A.G. Capt Hill (of Brigade) but put off till to-morrow. Quiet in Camp. Went in swimming in P.M.

Wednesday 20th Grand inspection of everything by Capt Hill at 2 P.M. Guns were splendidly clean & brilliant as a whole. He expressed himself as very well pleased.

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He said, also, that our Co & our guns were the best he had seen. H.G.C. & C. Thacher on night picket to-night.

Thursday 21st Taking it very easy indeed. Go in swimming every day in a Run (Broad or Kettle, by name) & tho' not deep we have considerable sport. On night picket to-night. Had an easy time.

Friday 22nd Taking it easy again to-day. Hot & nothing going on. Playing cards more or less.

Saturday 23rd Last Monday 18th I enlisted & to-day is the completion of 9 months since the election of our Co. officers. Six weeks more will finish this job. In camp & taking it easy to-day.

Sunday 24th On guard, but detailed as Colonel's orderly. Easy, pleasant time Very warm & sultry. Had two glasses of lemonade "with a stick in it", during the day. Church Service as usual. My good or badluck continues.

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Monday 25th Off duty this A.M. Drilled two hours in P.M. Day comparatively cold. Great change in the weather, but only a sprinkle instead of rain.

Tuesday 26th Drilled two hours in A.M. & then as the Capt called for Volunteers for a scout, we went out S.W. about 25 in No. We scouted about some woods & clearings near, & in the mean time had a pig hunt & killed three. Finding no enemy, we returned before dinner. At night at the "Block House". Stood 3 hours & afterwards had an alarm, caused by the passage by of about 100 of the 2nd Penn Cavalry.

Wednesday 27th Ordered to Union Mills & so left on train about 2P.M. The 16th Vt. took our place at Bristow. I am sorry to leave this pleasant country, to return back where the air is foul & the ground has all been camped over.

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Thursday 28th Battalion drill in A.M. & Co. drill in P.M. & dress parade; about 5 hours drill in all. Hot & uncomfortable. Drilling all the rage, now, & I do not doubt we shall get enough of it, for our own pleasure.

Friday 29th Co. drill in A.M. At 8½ A.M. ordered to go down to Mannassas Junction as guard for iron train. Day pretty warm, but our job was an easy one. Back about 2P.M. Went in swimming & in eve had dress parade. Our company is assuming proportions that seem vast in comparison with the No last Winter & Spring. All the sick are rapidly recovering & the health of the Reg't is very good. Chas Thacher quite unwell in evening.

Saturday May 30th 1863.MyBirthday & the first one I have ever spent away from home. To-day completes my 21st year & brings me to my majority. Five weeks more, if my life is spared,

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& I hope to see Parents, friends & home. Tho' not especially tired or weary of my service, yet it is not a congenial one, by any means, & there is joy in the thought of home, sweethome. As we were all here, yesterday & I feared some one might be away to-day, I procured a few things in the eatable line, to answer for my birthday. Drills as usual to-day. Charles Thacher still quite sick. Cleaned my gun in P.M.

Sunday May 31st Inspection of Arms & Equipments at 9 A.M. Church & Dress Parade in P.M. & eve. In eve, also, a memorable raid on the Sutler, whereby his tent was pulled down & about $600. worth of stock destroyed or stolen. A fair porportion of the Reg't was engaged, & all was ruin. The field officers were absent, & tho' Capt Page was officer of the day, yet nothing was done to stop the affair.

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Monday June 1st 1863. Company drill in morn & then Co. went nearby to Bealton as guard for train. Back in P.M. D. Parade as usual.

Tuesday 2nd Whole Co. on picket & brigade guard. C.O.F. Chas. Thacher & C.H.C. & myself were on one picket post & had a good time. 1st Post from R.R. bridge.

Wednesday 3rd Still on picket. Last night was showery.

Thursday 4th Back to Camp about 10 A.M. Moved camp in P.M. ¾ the length of Reg't toward left flank & have only one row of tents. Battalion drill & dress parade together at 6 P.M. Feel tired as a dog, after my two nights on picket & the drill, & mad also.

Friday 5th Had a glorious sleep last night. Drills as usual to-day. Weather warm, but not so hot by any means as at Bristow Station. Camp duty does not come very hard & we enjoy ourselves

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Saturday 6th Company drill in A.M. Cleaning gun in P.M. No Dress Parade as it sprinkled slightly. C. Thacher on guard at Col's, & only on once in the night.

Sunday 7th On Guard. No. 1. Post. Cool Windy day; dust flying & slightly uncomfortable Church service as usual.

Monday 8th Off Guard. Recd U.S. pay this A.M. to the amount of $26.00, being in full to May 1st 1863. Battalion drill & Dress parade in eve.

Tuesday 9th Drills as usual, except that Battalion drill was particularly long, as the Reg did poorly.

Wednesday 10th. Out on upper Bull Run this morning on picket. H.G.C., C.H.C., C.T. & myself had the goodfortune to get upon a good post to-gether. The weather is hot, but not more so, than the season seems to require. We were on a ford, where hard fighting was done at the 1st Battle of Bull Run.

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Thursday 11th Still on picket as we go out for two days. Rained once or twice in the night, but pleasant this A.M.

Friday 12th Got back to Camp a little after 12.M. Taking it easy till Dress Parade.

Saturday 13th Co. Drill in A.M. JW Woodward Capt 1st Vt Cav. Co.M. came to see us in P.M. & remained over night, attended by a friend named "Russell". Hybrid in evening, as drill & dress Parade. V.A. Tyler & F.D. Baxterback.

Sunday 14th Inspection of Guns & Equipments in A.M. Church in P.M. Weather pretty hot.

Monday 15th Inspection of Everything by a Captain detailed for the purpose & acting temporarily on the Gen's Staff. Rumors & then positive knowledge that "Hooker's" whole army is coming in this direction. Before night, several corps have been heard of directly, either this side of M. Junction or even across Bull Run, near Centreville.

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Things bear a hard look, & tho' the movement is one to anticipate "Gen Lee", probably, in any attack he may make, still it is hard to allow the "Rebels" to re-occupy all the territory (about) which they held two years ago here, at the East. Perchance another "Bull Run Battle", or another invasion of Maryland, or any of other well known scenes. "Gen Lee's" army is divided into 3 columns (by report); one still at Fredericksburgh; another following up our "rearguard"; & the third rushing up the "Luray" valley, vis, just the other side of the Bull Run Mountains. A Baggage train has been passing thro' here, since 12 M. & it is said will continue till Midnight. Also they are said to be crossing at every ford almost between here & Occoquan. Rumors & knowledge of particular corps here & there have come in, but I am not sufficiently

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posted to give any in detail. No Battalion drill or Dress Parade. The Cavalry of Gen Pleasanton's command are commencing to come in as we "go-to-bed". The 11th Army Corps is known to be at Centreville. All is confusion, as the necessary attendant of a forced march of 4 days at the rate of 23 miles per day. Gen. Hooker's headquarters are to-night at Fairfax, C.H. The weather is terribly hot & sultry, & the hardships of such marches must be intense. I indulge in no remarks.

Tuesday 16th Was awakened earlier than usual by the arrival of George Wheeler, who came to make a short call, as he learned we were here. He is attached to the Gen. commanding the Cav. of the Grand Army, vis; Gen Pleasanton. We made him stay to breakfast & enjoyed his visit much. Trains of wagons & Cav. were constantly passing all day, & the train of the

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3rd Corps remained here all night. Dress Parade, but no drills of any kind during day. No particular knowledge in relation to any other Corps or trains, but only heresay.

Wednesday 17th Co. Drill in A.M. Cav. passing by in A.M. Wagon train left just after Noon. No Battalion drill. Sargeant Cutting of the 4th Vt, at the tent this eve to see his brother C.H.C. 6th Corps, including 1st Vt Brigade is at W.R. Shoals. Came last night & is under orders to leave to-morrow morn. Lieut-Col Lewis & Capt W.H.H. Peak were at Camp in A.M. Dress Parade & a very little marching in eve. Recd Letter from Ed. to-day saying that he had sent me a "box". Soon we went down & got one for George J. Hugar & when it was opened I found my things enclosed. So we are living finely this eve, thankstotheirkindness at home.

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C.O.F. has been rather unwell for a few days, with a cold, but is rather sick to-day. I hope he will be better to-morrow. I find among my "luxuries", a bag of dried apples; a box cake; Can Butter; Bottle pickles, & a "brick" of Maple Sugar. So, with dried beef of H.G.C's & other things of C.O.F's, we are living "comfortably".

Thursday 18th June, 1863. All Privates of our "ranche" are on picket, up Bull Run, on the Post of Lieut. Day awful hot, but thunder storm in P.M. Pleasant place & only 4 hours duty in the 24.

Friday 19th Rained off & on during the night. Cooler this A.M. Showery all day, but we kept pretty dry, comfortable. Rained or rather poured like "John" in evening between 8 & 10, & oftentimes during the night. But rubber blankets & our temporary shelters helped us to pass a sufficiently miserable night, for one in June.

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Saturday 20th Home to Camp about 10 o'clock. Day lowery & but with [    ] only an occasional shower. Report says we are to remove to the "Graveyard", to-morrow at 6 A.M. Alas! Alas!

Sunday 21st At time specified took up our line of march for Wolf Run Shoals, & encamped about a half mile from our old camps, towards the Station, just in front of a fine old woods. Arranging camp & taking it easy for the rest of the day. The march of 7 miles did not tire me intheleast.

Monday 22nd Co. Drill in A.M. Then getting excused from Noon roll-call, C. Thacher & I departed for "Sally Davis'". Stayed to dinner, which was very fair, had a good visit & returned to camp about 3 P.M. Battalion drill in P.M. & Dress Parade in eve. It is vastly more pleasant here, than it was in the Winter, when the mud was so deep & everything so drear.

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Tuesday 23rd Co. Drill. Right wing out on picket this A.M. No Battalion Drill, but Dress Parade as usual in eve. As my gun was very dirty & much rusted, I spent the P.M. in cleaning it. Also played Whist considerable, during the day & evening.

Wednesday 24th Co. Drill but as I go on guard, was not obliged to attend. Detailed as Col. Blunt's orderly. Col went to Union Mills intending to go to W- but soon returned with orders for the Reg't to move the next morn to the Mills & then onward. We learned also that we are transferred to the 1st Army Corps, Gen. Reynolds.

Thursday 25th Off at 7.30. I am with the train, looking after Col Blunt's baggage. Arrived at Union Mills about 10.30 & left with the rest of the Brigade about 3. P.M. Arrived at our night camping ground one mile beyond Centreville about

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7. P.M. in a drizzling rain & put up the Col's tent & got ready for the night. Slept in the Col's tent. Of course I did not carry my knapsack & so was not fatigued. Regt stood the short march of about 12 miles very well.

Friday 26th Were ordered to march at 7 A.M. but as the 6th Corps. Artillery Baggage & all were passing we could not start till considerably later. Finally got started & as our baggage train was at the front & immediately in rear of the 6th Corps we were continually stopped & obliged to wait & wait, so that we only arrived at Herndon station at about 7.30 P.M. only having marched 9 miles. Encamped in a large open field just before a drizzle commenced. It had been a miserably drizzling day but during

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the latter part of the day it was dry & so we got along very well. Boys all right & things as lovely as possible at such a time. I still attend the Col & his baggage & so am as well off as you please.

Saturday 27th Started quite early on our march. I have forgotten the precise time. Day wet & rainy as usual. Feet rather sore & blistered but spirits tolerably good yet. Came to the Potomac River at Edward's Ferry & crossed on Pontoons. There were 2 bridges & one across Goose Creek. 64 Pontoons composed the bridge on which we crossed the P. & 11 the one over Goose C. & the other bridge was about as long as both of these put together. We encamped at night about 2 miles N of the Ferry & pitched our tent in a miserable sprinkle, tired as dogs. 16 miles.

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Sunday 28th Marched at 8 A.M. Crossed the [     ] Monocacy river at a Ford, in P.M. & Passed thro' a splendid country, most of the day. I have no time to waste in description. Encamped about a mile N. of Adamstown a station on the B & Ohio R.R. about 10 miles S of Frederick. Marched about 16 miles & were foot sore & tired everyway.

Monday 29th Left Camp & marched up the valley still farther & encamped about 5 miles beyond Frederick on the Emmetsburgh pike. Reached F. just after noon, & before passing made a half of an hour or two. Marched about 17- miles & were as tired & footsore as one could possibly wish to be. Hoped that we should find our Gen Reynolds & so got a little rest, but

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were disappointed, as he was said to be a day's march ahead of us. So our tiresome journey must continue. Gen Stannard marches us like the "oldHarry" & the pike has been very hard & rather rough.

Tuesday 30th Started again & followed the pike thro' Emmetsburgh & a mile beyond & found that our 1st Corps teams were here but that the Corps had gone ahead. Parked our teams with the Corps train. Too tired to write more than minutes. 15 miles.

Wednesday July 1st. Left in early morn. 3 Regts, 13, 14, & 16 ahead & 12 & 15 in rear, guarding the train. 3 regts went off a different road a few miles beyond E. & the 12th & 15th still kept with the train. When about ½ the way

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to Gettysburg the train was halted & afterwards parked. Still later Major Gen. Sickles went by with staff &c&c. A heavy battle reported in progress at Gettysburg. Gen Reynolds killed. The 11th Corps reported to have run again. About 5 o'clock, the 15th was ordered forward & the train started & travelled as fast as possible to the right, over the meanest roughest road, immaginable. encamped by Big Pope creek & parked. Travelled about 18 miles.

Thursday July 2nd Train started for Westminster about 7.45 A.M. Travelled constantly & if I had not got a ride could not have kept up. Arrived at W. on eve having gone about 25 miles. The Col & Adj went ahead into

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town, to get permission to halt the Regt, a few miles from Town, but as he could not get the permission, Regt was obliged, tired & worn as it was, to plod into town. The men could hardly step, much less put down the whole sole of the foot on the ground. They travelled as softly & lightly, as though the ground was covered with eggs & they must not be broken. Regt. arrived about 11 o'clock P.M. & laid down on rubber blankets, under the "broad canopy" of the sky alone & slept as only they could, after 8 days march & the last day's one of 25 miles. We got to bed about 11.45 & slept too. We have marched about 130 miles, averaging 16 miles per day. It has rained more or less every day & the roads have been quite muddy, & so more troublesome.

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Friday July 3rd. Today we have rested. Rest is sweet, for we fully appreciate the need we have for it. I have not been fatigued during any part of the long march, but my feet have been blistered & swollen & sore & tender, every way. Nevertheless to-day they are doing first rate & will be well soon. We lie in camp, just to the East of Westminster in an open field, near our wagon train. 3 or 4 other Corps trains are here, also, in the neighborhood. Heavy battle in progress at Gettysburg since Wednesday. Maj. Gen Sickles reported to have been wounded in leg & also to have died during the operation of Amputation. This fight is & will be reported as one of the great battles of this Continent.

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Saturday 4th of July 1863.Thetimeisfull. NineMo's have elapsed since we were mustered into the service of the U.S. Yet we are here; but not without hope of a speedy return to the old Green Mountain State. May our hopes be realized.

About noon, some 2200 (twenty-two hundred) rebel prisoners came in & were placed in a field near our camp, & at 6 P.M. The Col & 200 privates & a suitable no. of Commissioned & Non-com officers went to Baltimore by cars with them in charge. I am alone in eve, in Col. Blunt's tent, trying "to keep a private hotel" of my own. Adj Vaughan left last night for Gettysburg to see Gen. Stannard about having us releived, & has not returnedas yet.

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Sunday 5th Adj. has returned & we are to go to Batlimore to-night at 7 P.M. Day occupied by me in "seeing" Westminster, & by the proper officers in turning over property & getting ready. Went down to the depot about 6 P.M. & waited, making ourselves as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

Monday 6th Having everything on board, Train started at 3 A.M. for Baltimore. Stopped 3 or 4 hours at the Relay station, & then went on to Baltimore where we arrived about 9 o'clock. After dinner C.O.F. H.G.C. & I went down town & all over the City. I went to the theatre in the evening with Cheney of Co. K. Had a fair time all around & feel satisfied.

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Tuesday 7th Left B. about 10 o'clock & safely arrived in that good old City of Philadelphia about 7 P.M. Had a nice supper & everything was lovely & pleasant. Patriotism was everywhere displayed & though we were very tired, yet we forgot it & felt well. Crossed the River & took the cars for Amboy where we changed to boat & proceeded to New York.

Wednesday 8th Arrived in N. York about 7 A.M. at the Battery. Went to the "Stevens House" for breakfast, & then returned as the Reg't was liable to move at any moment. Afterwards went a little way up Broadway & around the shipping a little. Got dinner at a & the Reg. left at about 2 P.M. by boat for New Haven.

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Arrived at New Haven about 9 o'clock & were met by Mr. E.C. Loomis & Horace. Left on cars about 11 P.M. Had a fair breakfast in New York, I have ommitted to say.

Thursday 9th Train stopped at Springfield about 2 A.M. a half hour & I got a luncheon. Arrived in Brattleboro' about 6 A.M. & found it, to all effect "dead" No one at the depot but the employees of the road & not more than twenty people on the road to Camp. Not a cheer, not a sign of Welcome. Took the barracks which were occupied by the 13th Regt. when we left. Down town after we got the Col's quarters in order. There was no word of welcome, but on the contrary everybody seemed to regret our coming. They would have

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liked, undoubtedly, that we should have volunteered & stayed through the war, that they, forsooth, might not be drafted & so be obliged to take their turn. But who cares for this paltry village or our poor Governor. We well know that their patriotism & expressions of feeling & every principle by which their conduct is guided, are reduced to this single question, whether it will bebeneficial to Brattleboro'itself. If so, they are rampant. If not, they are dead, as at the present time, when they know that just as much time will be spent & money too, in one case, as the other. The 12th Vermont Regiment will ever remember Brattleboro' with disgust, & treat people thereof with derision & scorn.

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Friday 10th Little transpiring. Officers engaged in making out [rolls] & men in cleaning guns &c. In P.M. Inspection of Arms & Equipments by Field officers & afterwards a short drill. Down town in eve. Weather hot & showery. Recd letter from Edward in P.M. Dress Parade in evening.

Saturday 11th E.C. Loomis Esq. went home this A.M. Sent a letter to Ed. by him. Reviewed by the Old Gov. & Adj & Insp. Gen Washburn & 2.M. Gen, Davis, in A.M. Down to Brattleboro' House to dinner, & around town most of P.M. Nothing going on during the P.M. & eve, in camp. Time begins to drag here, fearfully. Who wants to wait forever, when nearly home. It is all very well, I suppose but it will get played out soon. Letter from Ed. in P.M.

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Sunday 12th Camp very quiet to-day. About noon, we were ordered to turn over our knapsacks, haversacks, rubber-blankets, & shelter tents, & so we did. We are in hopes to be paid & mustered out to-morrow & so start for home to-morrow night. Down town in eve.

Monday 13th Inspection of Arms by the Col. in A.M. & then they too, were turned in. Down town to dinner &c. Henry Johnson U.S.M. came at night & we had a good visit. Down town to Supper in the eve. About 11 P.M. the 13th Regiment came in on the cars & our Reg & band escorted them to camp with torchlights & music. Each Co. also took one of the other Regt to "feed", i.e. to furnish with supper. We were bound that no one should receive such as we recd on our arrival.

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Tuesday 14th Raining hard this A.M. At half-past eight, we went through the process or ceremony of being mustered-out by Major Austine U.S.A. Soon we were desired to volunteer to go to New York City a few days to quell riots &c&c. Fifty one volunteered from Co. C. More than any other Co in the Reg't. Of course, I am "on it". It is not yet certain that we shall go, but we are to hold ourselves in readiness, if our presence is required. Signed pay rolls in P.M. for balance of pay & our bounty, in all $62.63. Paid in P.M. & so feel well. Don't care for anybody now. Do not start for home to-night but expect to do so to-morrow A.M.

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Wednesday 15th July 1863. At 11 o'clock started for home via Bellows Falls & Rutland. Rained more or less during the day, but was pleasant when we arrived at Burlington about 5:30 P.M. & found everybody out to welcome us, as returned soldiers who had done their duty.

AccountofClothingdrawn1862-1863 Dress coat. $6.71 Pantaloons. 3.03 Woolen Blanket. 2.95 Overcoat. 7.32 Blouse. 2.63 Shoes. 1.94 Drawers. 1 pr. .50 Pantaloons. 3.55 Blouse. 2.70 $31.33 Allowance 10




, @ $3½ per month 37.33 Balance due me $6.00
Army Equipment Knapsack Turned over $2.57 Haversack " " .48 Canteen Retained. .34 $3.39

Corps Generals.
Major Gen. Heintzleman 22nd A. Corps
" " John F. Reynolds 1st A. "

Staff. Commissioned & Non-commissioned.
Sergt. Major Reddington.

Promoted to 2nd Co. I.

G.I. Hagar.
Drum Major P.R. Downer.
Quartermaster's-Sergt G.H. Bigelow.

Promoted to Q.M. & 2nd Lieut Sergt.

Buel V. Derby
Commissary-Sergt. Derby.

Promoted to Q.M.'s Sergt.

Chas. Thatcher. Jim Dyer.

Adjutant Vaughan (1st Lieut)
Surgeon Ketchum (Major)

Promoted to Brigade Surgeon

1st Ass't Conn. (1st Lieut)
2nd Ass't Ross. (1st Lieut)
Chaplain Brastow. (Capt)
Quartermaster Harry Bronson.

Promoted to B. Q.M.

G.H. Bigelow

Brigade Generals E.D. Stoughton. 2nd Brig. 22nd Div. 22nd A. Corps. Geo. J. Stannard. Ditto, & 3rd Brig, 3rd Div. 1st A. Corps

Division Generals. Silas Casey. 2nd Div. 22nd A. Corps Abercrombie 2nd Div. 22nd A. Corps Doubleday 3rd Div. 1st A. Corps

Officers of the 12th Regt Vt. Vols.
Field & Line

Col Asa P. Blunt. Lieut-Col Roswell Farnham Major Levi. G. Kingsley.
Co. A. Capt Savage. Lieut Warren.

Lieut Hamonond
West-Windsor Guards.
Co. B. Capt Paul. Lieut Raymond.

Resigned & died

Lieut Dimmick

Promoted to 1st

Lieut Emmons.

Promoted to 1st

(G.H Bigelow. Lieut Woodbury.
Woodstock Light Infantry.
Co. C. Capt Page Lieut Wing Lieut Loomis.

Promoted to 1st in Co I.

Lieut Benedict.
Howard Guard.
Co. D. Capt Cole. Lieut Farnham. Lieut Davis.


Lieut Lewis.
Turnbridge L.I.
Co. E. Capt Gilbert. Lieut Robinson. Lieut Kittridge.
Ransom Guards
Co. F. Capt Thomas Lieut Cleveland.

Lieut Howard.

Died C. Vt.

Lieut Williams.

Promoted to 1st

Lieut Chadwick.

Died May.

{George H Bigelow}

2nd Lieut & Q.M.

Northfield Guards. (New England Guards)
Co. G. Capt Ormsbee. Lieut Griswold.


Lieut Clayes

Promoted to 1st

Lieut Hall.
Brandon Guards
Co. H. Capt Chamberlain. Lieut Chamberlain.

Resigned N.R.S.

Lieut Kelly

Promoted to 1st

Lieut Brock.
Bradford Guards.
Co. I. Capt Roundy, Lieut Russell.

All three Resigned, in part from necessity.

Lieut Tarbell. Capt Dimmick.

Co B

Lieut Loomis.

Co C.

Lieut Reddington

Sergt Major.

Saxton's River L.I.
Co. K. Capt Landon.


Lieut Staley.

2 Promoted in order

Lieut Rounds. Lieut Leach.
Rutland Light Guard.

[  ] with Others. Owe Edward 13.00 " E. for Sunds 3.60 " Father 36.00 Nov 9 E. for Sunds

T & Yarn

.90 Nov 18. E for Stamps .30 " 23 E. by Ellen 3.00 " 27 E. for Stamps .30 Dec 12 E. Cash. 1.00 " --Express Bag. E. -.38 " 20 E. Cash 1.00 Jan 5./63. E Cash 2.00 " 12 E Cash 3.00 " 12 E for Stamps .30 Feby 2nd E. Cash 3.00 Feby 5th E. Sunds. Box 4.00 " 23rd E. P.O. Stamps .24 " 23rd E. Pd. Gather 12.00 Edward Dr. to me Nov. 9 S. pay $7.00 Dec 14 " " 7.00 Jan 9 " " 7.00 Feb 5 Check. J.H.H. 20.00 Feb 5. S Pay. 7.00 March - S. Pay 7.00 April. S. Pay 7.00 May 3rd Send E. by Nash 30.00 May S. pay. 7.00 Jun S. Pay 7.00 " Sent E. 10.00 July S Pay 7.00

Dr. Oct. 4 State pay. 9.80 " 12. Clothes " 1.56 Nov - State Pay by E. 7.00 Dec - " " " E. 7.00 Jan- " " " E 7.00 " 29 U.S. Pay 2mos 9days 29.90 February. S. Pay by E. 7.00 March. S. pay by E 7.00 April. S pay by E. 7.00 April 27th U.S. Pay 4 mo's. 52.00 May. S. pay by E. 7.00 June 8th U.S. pay 2 mo's 26.00 June S. Pay by E. 7.00 June 29. Ration Money 9.60 July 13th Bal. S. pay 2.33 July 14 Balance of US. Pay. 2 mos. 26.00 12 days 5.63 Allowance Cloth due 6.00 Bounty 25.00 62.63 $249.82

121. 23 45.00 300.00
Cr. with Ed. etc. April 1st Cash & stamps $4.00 " 10 Cash - 3.00 " 12 Cash E. in prison - 2.00 " - File & Stamps - .31 May 11. 15 Stamps - .45 " E Pd Father 24.00 " 16 J & Milk-

End Feb. 25th163 $50.63 Len C.H.C. April 17th $1.00 Owe Baxter. May 25th

Paid in June

$0.80 Liet C.J. July 12. Paid. 4.00

Recd from Government S & US 249.82 Paid Debts $49.00 Had, arriving at home 106.31 Hence, Expenses of War Trip amount to $94.51

Hon. L.E. Chittenden 355. 11th Street West
Mrs. Lieut-Col Lewis 512 G street between 4 & 5
In case of sickness. W.F. Hall & S.G. Prentiss.

(544 P.O. Box.)

Washington D.C.

Oct 29 Collanor
Nov 19. Spaulding

