Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp DouglasChicago IllDec 10, 62My Dear Maria

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Since I last wrote you I have recd two from you both written the same day and I was pleased to see the familiar handwriting and know that you and the little dearies were all well I still continue to gain in health & flesh I weighed myself to day and find I am Ten lbs heavier than when I left S- and I will have to gain but a few pounds more to be heavyer than I ever was before I dont think I will have that box sent on right off no you need not hurry to get any thing ready for me and as to socks I have drawn some privates socks and they will do me. Since I came back I have had a pleanty to tend to and am still quite busy I did not find the Co under the best of discipline and many spoke to me of how it had become demoralized and to straighten them out and get things going on smoothly has been no small job but there is a perceptable difference in the Co, so others say. This morning I made a private ask Pardon of Sgt. Bodditch

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for being saucy to him. it was a hard case for him but he was obliged to do it or be worse punished so with tears he finally did it and I dont think he will be saucy to a non com. officer very soon again. we have to get lessons and recite twice a week to the major and to get the lessons well it takes a considerable time. It appears that old McGrath has made his appearance in S- well I dont owe him a cent, and he knows it. I did owe him $14- but he drew Clothing to this amt that he never signed for and in order to make myself whole I will be obliged to keep back the amt I owed him and the Col, approves of it, so I dont think he will get much from me The weather is very pleasant to day and it seems almost like summer we have had no snow as yet you must excuse this short letter as I cant write or think and Sartwell is wating for me to get through to set the table.

Kiss the babies & write often to your loving HusbandV. G. Barney

I got your picture but think it miserable. If you did not look better that that picture I would not give a snap for you. when you get a chance have some more taken and send me one

