Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Douglas Chicago Ills. Feb 18th 1863Dear Maria

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I have just written a letter to J.P. Jewett and as I have my hand in will write you a few lines but you must feel not bad if my letters are short for but little of interest transpires here it is one thing over and over day after day but occasionally some little thing takes place which is new. I am again in command of the company as our Court Martial adjourned for an- other week. we did not adjourn because we were out of business for there are some 10 or 12 cases on had to be tried but for some other reason not known to me I was on guard once last week and expect to come on again tomorrow again Jewett is on to day and Sherman on yesterday we have all the guard duty we wish for and the men are obliged to be on 3 & 4 days per week and be very diligent at that Col Stannard is now here and says we are to be transferred to the Eastern department in a few weeks but we will probably remain here till the Rebs are exchanged or parolled and sent away

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I have got the Cols & Majors photographs and quite a number of others of the line officers about 20 in all and as soon as I can get the rest I shall send my album home and some other things which I dont need here and don’t want to carry with me into the field You wrote for one of my small photographs and I would have sent one but I was all out and as I did not like them I thought I would not get any more of that style I have paid $15- for pictures since we came here and many are due me now from officers who say they will get theirs for me soon If I can get the photographs of every officer in the Reg. I would not take $100- for them, and I mean to get them all before we leave here. My health continues good but I dont know how the spring weather is going to agree with me here but I presume by being carefull I will be all right Since we came here quite a number of officers have resigned and gone home Yesterday Capt Henderson of Co. G. got his accepted and left last night he was a good officer and fine man and we all hated to see him leave but his health would not allow him to remain in the Army he is the

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fourth capt who has resigned but they dont have the luck to have mine sent in yet. Meigs and Sartwell are well. Yesterday I sent Meigs after a deserter about 8 miles from here but he did not succeed in arresting him so he left for parts unknown that morning early I hear they are preparing for a draft in Vt to fill up old Regts I hope they will soon for we need more men very much and I would not object to a few drafted ones to fill up my Co. Orderly Whitmore is now sick and stopping down town at his sisters I went down to see him last night and found him quite Ill but not dangerous. I hope you will continue, in good health and not be troubled with the house catching fire again I know it is hard for you to go down to Fathers to milk but if nothing happens I will have a barn another winter, so it will become easier. how do the little ones get along I think often of them and would enjoy a frolic with them much I hope to get a letter from you to night and know it will be good

Truly your Affectionate Husband Val

