Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp 9th Vt. VolsYorktown Va July 20th 63 Dear Maria

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I was intending to write you Sunday but I did not find out that yesterday was Sunday till near dark and I would not have found it out then had we not had preaching before "dress parade" but I presume you will be just as glad to hear from me if I am a day or two late. For two or three days past I have been detailed to try some criminals in our regiment and pass my sentence on them and I have been quite busy and Yesterday I tried one case not knowing the

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[day] of the week but thinking it was Saturday. I see by the papers that you are having warm times drafting in Vermont I have not seen the list of Swanton conscripts yet but expect to see Jas Bullards A. Lasells J.P. Jewetts but I will wait patiently till you give me a list of them. I see that Albert Truax is in the Bakersfield list. is it the Rev? if so it is a good joke on him. We are all laughing and enjoying our selves to see the thing go on but I presume they feel quite differently Are you not glad I am here so as not to be in the list of Conscripts and obliged to serve as a private for 3 years

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I have just recieved my new coat and valice from Brattleboro costing $42- also my saddle and Bridle have got along. I have not seen the bill yet but expect they will cost some $50 or more Perhaps you will think I am extravagant but I must keep up with others if it takes my whole pay but when I get once rigged out the expense will be small after and I hope to save a little something We are getting along very smoothly and every thing works well. The Col. and I get along very amicably together and my duties are very light I have to be Brig. officer of the day about once a week and take command

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of the Regiment in his absence. Major Jarvis Capt Kelly (Danby teacher) & Lieut Bascom of Milton are going to Vermont in a few days to bring on the conscripts assigned to our regiment and they may visit their homes, if possible I will have Bascom go and see you but presume he will not have time I hope the Barn Cistern Blinds &c will be tended to Perhaps as H. Roby has got home he would like to take the job of fixing up the whole. have Father talk with him about it and see what can be done. Kisses for Carrie & Fred and love to you & Mary

I remain your
Aff Husband V.G. Barney

We have just got the report that our gun boats have taken fort Darling

