Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Head Qurs 9th Vt Vols Yorktown Va Sept 9th 1863 Dear Maria

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I have just got out of bed and am now waiting for breakfast so will write you a little and finish some other time. This is a splendid morning. The cool breeze that carries in at my window is very refreshing. but before noon the sun will be very warm. I shall be glad when we get frosty nights. Then I will expect our sickness will decrease and those who are well will feel much better, have more life and vigor. For a few days past our men have been very busy repairing up their barracks and getting them ready for cold weather. We intend to have them all white washed so we will present quite a nice and clean appearance Yesterday Dr. Carpenter and I went down and had our horses pictures taken and I will send you one. I do not think it very good but I shall try and get a better one taken some cool eve when the flies dont bother him so much. Thos Jefferson dont present a very fine apperance but in the next I shall advise him to have his pants buttened up. I am still in command of the Regt, and have plenty to do This fore noon I am going out with Dr C-

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to purchase a cow for field and staff mess we expect to remain here for some time and have come to the conclusion that it will pay to have a good cow as we have a plenty to keep one on. it costs us for consolidated milk 50c per day. Breakfast is ready and I will stop so good morning- I will now try and finish my letter. We had cold roast beef, fried eggs, sweet potato, dry toast and coffee for breakfast. We dont consider this extra but rather below the average of our meals, We have just recd a firkin of Vt Butter and a cheese and they relish pretty well. I hear from Maj Jarvis often He is at Boston harbor now but will be at Brattleoro again so Lester will have a chance no doubt to come with him- (After noon) I was sent for this morning by Gen Wistar so had to stop short he wished to see me on business- I did not go for a cow but some of our men have found a couple that were stragglering about so just drove them in. I recd a letter from you this noon in which you speak of Chas Griffith being there I would have been glad to have been there and visited with him I hope you will continue in good health also the children I will write no more this time so good day

Affly Your Husband V G Barney

