Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Yorktown Va. Sept 13th 1863Dear Maria

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Though not a particle of news do I think to write I will commence a letter to you and put in what comes into my head as I go along. to day is Sunday and a dull day it is I have hardly been out of my house but expect after tea to take a short horse back ride for exercise. The weather here is quite cool and comfortable of late but for some reason our sickness does not decrease as fast as one could wish. but few of our Regt are entirely well and we report 130 sick. I am getting tired of this kind of a monotonous life here in this fort and would be very much pleased to get orders to leave here for more active work, but of course I must be contented where ever it is my lot to be cast. Nothing would please me better than to go to Charlestown and to aid in humiliating the inhabitants of that accursed city but from all I can learn we are doomed to remain here and I presume next Spring will not

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see us away. but without our assistance Charlestown will no doubt soon fall and I shall look for the news of its surrender every day. The rebs must see the utter helplessness of their cause and it seems that they cant hold out much longer but they are so bent on success no one knows how long they will hold out I got a letter from you yesterday and it seems you still continue to have grand times at your rides and fishing excursions I expect when I get home there will be no peace for me till I go fishing with you. Well I dont think I will object much. I hope your out of door exercise will have a good effect on your health. I am glad you have so many kind friends who are so thoughtful of you when they go out for pleasure. It seems that Carrie & Fred dont forget me I hope they will continue their love, the dear little ones. I hope they will be good Kiss them often for me. I have said this many times but never without feeling it. With much love I remain your

Afft Husband V.G. Barney

