Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Camp Fairbanks nearRutland Vt.May 8th, 18612 o'clk P.M.Dear Mary:

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We have just got word that we start early tomorrow morning for Fort Monroe, Virginia, and every body is busy getting ready to start. There is the greatest throughout the camp. The order has been received with three cheers by the whole regiment. I have been very busy for the last four days, as I was officer of the guard Sunday and since then have acted as Adjutant of the reg't. about half of the time. Quite an honor! I had charge of the police of the camp yesterday and Col. Phelps told Capt. Andross that the matter was better attended to than is usual even in the regular army & he further advised me to apply for a commission as captain. What do you think of it? I shall do nothing of the kind, but if your health was better and you were perfectly willing I should be glad to do it. We have all enjoyed ourselves first rate since we have been here. Gen. Baxter is one of the finest men in the world - a real whole souled fellow, and means to have all the men well attended to. He will probably go with us.

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I stayed at the hotel last night and the night before at the hotel. I have had to talk so much and so loud that it has made me hoarse. I say so much about myself because I suppose you will be glad to hear every word.

Give my love to Laura and Ezekiel and remember me to all who enquire. I should have written you by Mr. Stebbins but I thought that I could do it as well today.

I received your letter by him and you may be sure I was glad to hear from you. You must keep up good courage and remember that it is all for the best.

Capt. Andross and John Stearns have had their miniatures taken with their over coats on. I should have had mine taken had I had time. But I have been very busy.

I don't know how you can direct your next letters, but will let you know as soon as possible.

Danl. Johnson is just going to the Post Office & I must close.

Your affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

