Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Copy: Original in pencil. New York CityIn the Park - front of the AstorFriday, May 10th, 1861, 4 o'clk P.M.Dear Mary: -

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We reached this city this morning at about eight o'clock. We have had a hard time since we left Rutland, but we are all well. We reached Troy last night at about 5 o'clk, and left there at 9 in the evening. The reg't was furnished with rations in the depot, and the officers were invited to the Troy House where they had an excellent supper.

The Troyans were astonished at our Regt. We are indeed tall fellows among the short men of cities.

We rode through the whole night, sleeping what we could in the cars. We reached N.Y. about 8 o'clk A.M.

Saturday, May 11th, 8 o'clock A.M.

We shall probably sail today. I have but a few moments to write. After we get into Ft. Monroe our time will be more regular.

We marched down from 31st street to the Park yesterday amid cheers, waving of handkerchiefs &c. The New Yorkers say that we are the biggest and toughest looking regiment that has been in the city.

I slept last night at Richard's Hotel, the "Belmont

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House", and have eaten there twice. I have not slept much in camp and when we get to the Fort we shall probably go into barrack. My health is good except a cold, but I am better of that. I am tough and do not get very tired.

Westley Peckett is here waiting to take this to the Post Office. He urged me to go over and stop with him, but I did not dare to go so far from camp.

I have sent you some papers in which you will see we are noticed.

I am glad the water has come & you must have the well cleaned out before using much of the water. Be sure to have it done as the water is not clean.

I will try and send you some money if I can today as it may be doubtful about your getting things regularly from me after I leave here.

I rec'd your letter last night & was glad to hear from you. You must keep up good courage. Ft. Monroe is the best place we could go to.

Direct as I said before

Lieut. Roswell Farnham &c. (see last letter)

The Gen. will forward by express. Capt. Andross saw Laura's letter in the Times & showed it to me.

Love to all. Your affectionate husbandR. Farnham

