Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp Butler, Newport News Va.Saturday Aug. 3d, 1861My dear Wife:

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I have time for very few words this morning. I am well and looking forward with some anxiety to Monday. We certainly go then as we look have had official notice of it. The steamers that are to carry us are already here and we have had orders to pack our baggage. We shall be in Brattleboro Thursday night if not Wednesday. It will not take long there to do our business as we are getting the papers all made out here. There is some chance of our being at home a week from today.

I am very busy now. In addition to all my other duties I am ferreting out all the liquor establishments, and day before yesterday about thirty casks were smashed and two or three of the sutlers carried as prisoners to the fort. I have twelve non-commissioned officers as my force of detectives and they are pretty shrewd in picking out what is going on.

Last night a woman and two children came

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up on the boat, and this morning they are to be sent out to the enemy's lines under a flag of truce. I should like the chance of going but presume I shall not get it as I am very busy in camp.

Our men felt terribly because they could not start yesterday but they are beginning to feel better. If we get home Saturday night we shall not try to camp out, and that you will not be very sorry for. I hope you will keep up good courage and be as well as you can. You must not get too excited. Keep quiet. Orissa wrote that Hattie had got home. Give her my love. I hope with her assistance and that of Zeke you will get along very well. Dont visit too hard. Now Hattie is there time will not seem so long as it would if you were alone.

Today is going to be very pleasant and I hope not quite so warm as it has been for several days past. The sun has scorched like a furnace.

I had a letter from Mr. Stebbins the other day & it seems he has arranged the business of the estate so that it can wait till I get home.

I have nothing further to write now.

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I should be glad to hear from you. I hope I shall find a letter from you at Brattleboro. If you have not written when you receive this please write as soon as you do receive it.

I wish I could get another letter from you here but dont expect to.

Love to all.
Your affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

