Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp Phelps.
Brattleboro, Vermont.Aug. 10th, 1861My Dear Wife:

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I have been very negligent in not writing to you every day, but yesterday I was busy and sent word by Chas. Stevens to you. He did not go home, so Jeff Flanders carried the word.

I am perfectly well and am getting to be rather impatient to get home. The paymaster is not here and we dont know when he will be here - not till next week. I would get a furlough to go home but I dont like to set such an example. I hope you can get along comfortably for a few days more. I shall then be at home to remain unless you are willing I should leave.

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We are not having a very good time, the boys are so impatient to leave that nobody can do any thing with them. They are displeased with Washburn and they will neither drill nor do anything else.

We were all glad to see the folks from Bradford. It seemed like getting near home.

Chas. Stevens will hand you this and can tell you more than I can stop to write.

Write me a good long letter. I was not sea-sick much coming home and on the whole had a pretty good time. The voyage was very pleasant indeed and we were cheered continually through New York harbor.

Give my love to Hattie and all the friends.

From your husbandRoswell Farnham

